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MySpace Layout Tutorial: How to Put a New Layout on Your Myspace Profile

Obviously, you are having trouble finding out how to put together you own myspace layout, or else you wouldn’t be here. There are so many ways to find the answer to your problems, but me, I enjoy taking the easy route. The best thing to look for when considering an option for your Myspace layout, is to look at the premade ones. When using premade layouts, you don’t have to go through the trouble of figuring out what a “scroll bar” is, and what color it should be. Sometimes those layout generators can be quite confusing and troublesome. So here are the steps to getting your new premade myspace layout to work, plus a few other options to try.

Step one: Find out what you interests are. What do you enjoy doing? What exactly explains who you are? If you like cars, go for a car-based layout. If you like polka-dots, and your favorite color is pink and green, then look for a pink and green polka-dotted layout. Go to a search engine and type in, for example, “pink and green polka dot myspace layout.” This will direct you to a load of websites that might in fact, have a pink and green polka dot myspace layout just for you. Other options would be to go to specific websites automatically without searching. Look in the resources box, for a list of some good websites that have TONS of free layouts on them.

Step two: When you find a layout that you like, click on it. This should bring you to a screen that has a box stating: “Here’s your code,” or “Copy This Code.” Anything that says CODE on it, is where you need to be. The code will look something like this:

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After you have found your code, you need to RIGHT click inside the box that holds the code, and click COPY. Open your myspace page, click EDIT PROFILE, go to the ABOUT ME SECTION, and right click inside it, and click on PASTE. The code should now be inside your about me section exactly the way it was on the layout website. Then, click SAVE ALL CHANGES, and the click VIEW YOUR PROFILE. Your profile should look like the one that was on the website where you got it from.

Sometimes you will run into cheap websites that get the codes mixed up, and you are left with some funky layout you never even saw on the website, even after you followed all the right steps. Again, there is a list of TRUSTWORTHY layout sites in the Resources box in this article.

Contact Table: On someones profile, the box under thier picture that has a list of commands such as: add me, message me, block me, add to favorites, rank me, etc. You can get a new contact table by looking on a website for “CONTACT TABLES” when you find one, copy and paste it to your ABOUT ME section the same way you did the layout.

Extended Network Banner: The long rectangular box in the right top corner that says MOJO IS IN YOUR EXTENDED NETWORK. You can also get your own by clicking on EXTENDED NETWORK BANNERS and copying and pasting it the same way you did your layout.

Online Now Icon: The jumpy little orange and green man that sits beside your picture on your profile. Again, you can follow the same directions for everything else to get another ONLINE NOW icon.

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Welcome Banner: the quote in the box to the top right of your picture. It is also called your HEADLINE. You can change it using EDIT PROFILE.
