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Make a Natural Clarifying Shampoo

Cheese Grater, Clarifying Shampoo, Ivory Soap, The Natural

If your hair is dull, lackluster and unusually difficult to manage you may benefit from using a clarifying shampoo to remove build-up from shampoo, conditioner and styling products. However, most commercial clarifying shampoo products on the market are very expensive, smell bad and contain toxic chemicals. Luckily, there is a better way because you can make an all-natural clarifying shampoo at home with inexpensive ingredients that are non-toxic and actually good for your hair by following this recipe.

I formulated the following natural clarifying shampoo recipe to remove excess hair product build-up as well as restore shine and manageability to my hair. Please note that this natural clarifying shampoo recipe is strong and will clean your hair intensely, it is not meant for an everyday shampoo but rather a twice-weekly clarifying treatment. Overuse of this natural clarifying shampoo can dry out your hair.

You will need these containers and implements to make the natural clarifying shampoo recipe: one large saucepan; one large mixing bowl; one large wooden spoon for stirring; measuring cup; tablespoon and a small cheese grater.

You will also need these ingredients to prepare the natural clarifying shampoo recipe: two peppermint tea bags; 10 oz. water; one half of a small (1) oz. bar of Ivory soap; 1/2 cup of baking soda; 3 ounces of Apple Cider Vinegar

Begin preparing the natural clarifying shampoo recipe by bringing 10 oz. of cold water to boil in the large saucepan. Once the water is boiling place the two bags of peppermint tea in the water and reduce the heat to very low or simmer. Cover the pan and allow the peppermint to steep for 10 minutes, stirring the infusion every couple of minutes.

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Peppermint is naturally astringent. Use of peppermint in the natural clarifying shampoo recipe will remove build-up on your hair caused by dirt, oils and styling products. Peppermint will moisturize your hair, stimulate hair growth and will give the natural clarifying shampoo a pleasant scent.

While the peppermint tea is steeping, prepare the ivory soap for use in the natural clarifying shampoo recipe by grating the soap with a cheese grater. This can be a messy process, in order to save time I suggest that you grate multiple bars of soap and store any leftover soap flakes from your preparation of the natural clarifying shampoo recipe in a Ziploc baggy. Then they will be easily accessible for future batches of natural clarifying shampoo.

Ivory soap is pure and inexpensive. Ivory soap’s presence in the natural clarifying shampoo recipe will give the shampoo extra cleaning power, and a rich lather. Ivory soap will also help moisturize hair. After grating the ivory soap, add 1/2 cup (not packed but filled loosely) of the soap flakes to the peppermint tea infusion. Continue heating the infusion over low heat, stirring frequently until the soap flakes are melted.

After the soap flakes have melted add 3 ounces of Apple Cider Vinegar to the infusion and the natural clarifying shampoo will be nearly ready. Apple cider vinegar is excellent at removing build-up from hair, neutralizing alkaline residue from shampoos and conditioners and moisturizing hair. Apple cider vinegar’s presence in the natural clarifying shampoo will rid your hair of build-up and leave it softer, shinier and fuller.

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Next, remove the saucepan from the heat. Take the peppermint tea bags out of the infusion and then pour the contents of the saucepan into the mixing bowl. Then slowly add 1/2 cup of baking soda to the natural clarifying shampoo blend and stir. The baking soda may react with the vinegar present in the natural clarifying shampoo recipe and cause some fizzing. Continue to slowly stir the blend until the fizzing slows down.

Baking soda is a natural scouring agent. Its presence in the natural clarifying shampoo will remove build-up and get your hair squeaky-clean right down to the roots. Use of baking soda in the natural clarifying shampoo recipe will also leave your hair soft and shiny.

Your natural clarifying shampoo is now ready to use. Funnel the content of the mixing bowl into an old shampoo bottle or other plastic bottle with a screw on cap. Use the natural clarifying shampoo by shaking the bottle well and then washing your hair as you usually would. However, the first time you use the natural clarifying shampoo I suggest you use extra. If your hair is very oily or has a lot of build-up wash your hair with the shampoo twice in a row.

The natural clarifying shampoo will stay fresh for several weeks.