Articles for tag: Ivory Soap, Sunday School

Karla News

Secret Prize Soap Craft for Sunday School Children

This soap craft is adapted from an old recipe that used Ivory soap flakes. The flakes are no longer being produced but this rendition worked well as an alternative. The secret prize soap was used for a bible lesson in Sunday school for a preschool aged group. The concept was to create something that utilized ...

How to Wash and Care for Women’s Silk Undergarments

Silk underwear is a luxury that everyone woman deserves to have in their wardrobe. While silk underwear is soft and very comfortable to wear, it also can give you a confidence boost by making you feel sexy just knowing that you have it on under your clothes. Many women shy away from buying silk undergarments ...

Karla News

Ivory Soap – History of an American Classic

I have so many different kinds and scents of soap and body wash in my bathrooms that I could probably open my own store with them! But, even with all of the choice I have, there are times when I really just want to step back in time and use a soap that is considered ...

Karla News

My 5 Favorite Uses for Ivory Soap

Yesterday I happened upon a fantastic clearance deal on my favorite soap, Ivory soap. I was at the grocery store picking up an impromptu day-off-from-cooking dinner when I decided to go to the back of the store and check out the clearance rack. I’m often able to get large boxes of kitty litter at a ...

Karla News

The Five Best Soap Products Out There

OK, so we all recognize that hygiene and cleanliness is important. The medical and health professionals tell us that washing our hands regularly and thoroughly will drastically reduce our chances of getting sick. But with the advent of different types of soaps, such as soft soaps, foam soaps, and hand sanitizers, is there really one ...

Karla News

Unique Ways to Use Ivory Soap

Ivory soap has been in existence for a very long time, and it is still one of the most popular soaps available. It leaves behind a cleaning feeling and scent unlike any other, but it is great for more than just bathing. It has many unique uses that go far beyond washing. Take a look ...

Karla News

Ivory Soap with Aloe

A few months ago, my wonderful aunt gave me a three pack of Ivory bar soap with aloe and I’m very glad that she did so. This soap offers a delightful aroma and makes the skin feel clean and smooth. Because it is an Ivory soap, one can rest assured that it is a high ...

Karla News

Make a Natural Clarifying Shampoo

If your hair is dull, lackluster and unusually difficult to manage you may benefit from using a clarifying shampoo to remove build-up from shampoo, conditioner and styling products. However, most commercial clarifying shampoo products on the market are very expensive, smell bad and contain toxic chemicals. Luckily, there is a better way because you can ...

Karla News

Why I like Ivory Soap

Why do I like Ivory soap? Because, it floats! Ever since I was a kid and discovered that for some reason Ivory soap floated while other soaps sank, I was amazed. And I still am. Back then I believed the soap must have been made out of some super special ingredients or that somehow it ...

Karla News

Safe Ways to Carve a Bar of Ivory Soap

Carving is a fun and relaxing hobby, and many of the most talented carvers began with a bar of Ivory soap and safe, simple tools. This is a fantastic project that kids can enjoy working on alone or in a group setting. With proper care the finished work of art will not deteriorate. On the ...