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Kaplan University: Review of an Exceptional Online College Education Experience

Kaplan, Kaplan University

When I graduated from school in 1984, I didn’t have any graduation or a prom because I left my hometown to start working for a Department store. My sister got me the job a couple of weeks before I graduated so I had to leave before my graduation. After working there for 4 years I gave up any thought of ever going to college but moved back to my home town and again started working right away. I work for one of our local banks as a bookkeeper making $7.35 an hour working full time. Even though I had that job I still felt like something was missing, I just couldn’t figure out what it was. I started dating this guy, at the time I saw all of the signs of a losers but just something about him I guess the bad boy image is what really attracted me to him I had never been with someone that had that image and I felt like taking a risk because I had nothing better to do I would leave for work at 7:00 am and not get home until about 4:30pm so dating wasn’t really an option because I just didn’t have any time. This guy was convenient for me he didn’t want a relationship and I was lonely. I had recently went off the pills because it elevated my blood pressure but I decided to have sex with him anyways and got pregnant with twins so going back to college was pushed back even further. I decided to get married a year after having my twin daughters not to the father of the twins but another man and raise my twin daughters and take care of my husband and maybe college could come later when the twins started school.

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When the twins came of age to start school my husband and I found out I was pregnant with my third child though I was so happy to be pregnant again this only meant that my going back to college was out of the question again. I decided to raise my three daughters and become a housewife and opened an in home Babysitting business so to speak. Two years went by and I decided to go back to work at the bank, life became really hectic for me because I had recently found out that my husband was cheating on me and we separated so all my time went towards my daughters and working and I didn’t have much time for anything else. One day I was talking to my daughters the twins were ten then and the youngest was five and had just started school, I was talking to them about when they went to college and they asked me why I hadn’t gone to college and I didn’t really have a reason to give them so I made up my mind that I would start college myself but I knew with my busy schedule and work I couldn’t handle sitting in a classroom so I choose to look online for college courses you can take over the computer. I filled out for the University of Phoenix and they called and tried their best to explain to me about why I should apply to their online college course but it felt like they were speaking Chinese to me I couldn’t really understand how I would pay for school with the income I was making and they didn’t really explain to me my options as far as funding they were just in a rush to get me to join their college. I didn’t like the way they made me feel when I hung up the phone with them I was more confused than when they first called.

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I choose to look around more when I came across this ad for Kaplan University and I decided to give it a try I filled out all the information and was told that someone would call me to talk to me about the University and what it has to offer me. It hadn’t even been 5 minutes since I click the send my information button when someone called me on the phone her name was Nicole Hoskins, she was so nice and she explained everything about the University that I felt I didn’t get with University of Phoenix plus she explain where I could go to get financial help and financial aid through the school, the way she talked me through everything and even offered to call me when ever I needed help getting started and she stuck to her promise all I had to do was go online and email her and she called me right away. It felt like I was on my way to final earning my degree and I felt confident and good about myself better than I had felt in a while. I looked forward to starting classes. I received my books two week later and started my classes in October of 2006. School at Kaplan was the best thing I could have ever done for myself the professors are so kind and understanding of those that have children and may have issues with making school because of your child’s extracurricular activities they are forgiving to the fact that your child must come first whether they are sick or have a game or chorus they will allow you to miss class to attend those functions with your child.

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I would recommend Kaplan University to anyone who is a single parent or just out of high school or even someone who put college off for whatever reason you won’t regret joining Kaplan Universities family because that is actually how you feel like family the student and the professor are very nice and make you feel comfortable even if your struggling they will talk you through your problem and make it so you understand it better. The Professor are never upset if you ask questions they understand that they are there to help their students become better learners. I wish all teachers thought this way the dropout rate in America would be so much lower if the student only knew that the teachers cared. Like the saying goes “It takes a village to raise a child.” Please don’t keep making excuses like I did try Kaplan University it will make a huge difference in your life and make you feel 100% better as a person.
