Articles for tag: Electronic Voice Phenomena, Start a Home Business

Karla News

Ways to Market and Sell Your Candles

Candles are one of the most popular products home based entrepreneurs like to sell, especially since they’re a consumable item, and people love to buy them. But have you thought about the different reasons why people might buy candles? In this article, I’ll explore the different uses for candles and give you ideas on how ...

Easy Businesses to Start from Home

There are hundreds of home business that can be started in your spare-time. A hobby can be transformed into a money making venture that become a thriving business. Here are ten ways to make money at home. These are business that do not require a lot of money to get started. Most of them can ...

Affordable Home Business Ideas

These affordable home business ideas require little initial investment and can start earning you an income relatively quickly. Here are some of the best ideas for a profitable and successful home based business that can be started with minimal costs. A Home Party Business If you like to socialize and are good at communicating, interacting ...