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Interesting Facts About Skeet Ulrich, Star of Jericho


Although the somber tone and overall theme of CBS’ drama “Jericho,” is not for everyone, it certainly has a strong and loyal following. Canceled by the powers that be at CBS, the show was resurrected after a strong outcry from television viewers who are tired of seeing their beloved serial programs being axed in favor of reality shows which are considerably less expensive to produce. The star of “Jericho,” Skeet Ulrich has a long and varied acting career, but is currently enjoying a previously eluded level of fame and popularity. Here are some interesting facts on Skeet Ulrich, who plays the main character on “Jericho,:” Jake Green.

Turbulent Childhood. Skeet Ulrich was born Brian Ray Trout in Lynchburg, Virgina on January 20, 1970. His parents divorced when he was very young and both remarried several times. Not only was Skeet facing the stress and uncertainly that came from his parents divorce and multiple romantic entanglements, he was also a sickly child. He suffered several bouts of pneumonia and had to undergo open heart surgery at the tender age of ten. Undoubtedly, these early struggles shaped his character and helped to instill a sense of tenacity in him that is necessary when attempting to forge a career in the world of acting.

Nascar Associations. One of Skeet Ulrich’s stepfathers was Nascar driver and owner, D.K Ulrich, whose last name Skeet uses for professional purposes. Skeet’s uncle is the famous Nascar winner Ricky Rudd. Ricky Rudd is Skeet Ulrich’s mother’s brother. Since race car driving is in his blood, might we one day see this actor behind the wheel?

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Interesting Nickname. Fans of the talented actor are often intrigued by how he acquired his unique stage name. A little league coach in Skeet Ulrich’s youth game him his nickname due to his short stature and slight build. It started as “Skeeter” and then was shortened to “Skeet.” Although quite unusual, the general consensus from his legions of fans is that the nickname fits.

Much More Than A Pretty Face. Before Skeet Ulrich graced our television and movie screens, the actor studied at Northwest Cabarrus High School and then later at New York University. Always athletic, Skeet Ulrich was a highly visible and admired soccer player during his high school years.

Paid His Dues. Long before Skeet Ulrich was awarded the role of Jake Green on CBS’ “Jericho,:” he was busy taking bit roles in any movie or television show that offered him work. He was an extra in both the original “Weekend At Bernie’s,” and “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.” He also performed in several television programs as supporting characters to the main stars.

1996 Was A Big Year For Skeet Ulrich. After countless bit parts, Skeet Ulrich finally had a breakthrough year in 1996. He appeared in the major motion pictures “The Craft” with Neve Campbell and in Wes Craven’s monster hit, “Scream.” After toiling away for years, this must have been one of the most exciting times in Skeet Ulrich’s professional life to date.

Yes, Ladies He’s Single. Skeet Ulrich was divorced from his wife George Cates in 2005. The two had been married in 1997 after a brief relationship. The divorced couple shares joint custody of their twins, Jakob Dylan and Naiia Rose. One of the most private of celebrities, little has been reported on romantic relationships since the demise of his marriage. Skeet has admitted that he was somewhat of a late bloomer when it comes to matters of the heart and didn’t date at all during his high school years, even missing his senior prom. I am quite sure that he has no problem getting a date these days.

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Skeet Ulrich’s handsome looks and acting talent have garnered him millions of fans with the popularity of “Jericho.” This is one actor we will surely be seeing much more of in the months and years to come.

Sources: www.Wikipedia.org