Articles for tag: Divorced Parents, Embarrassing Moment, Overprotective Parents

Karla News

How Overprotective Parents Changed My Life

My father is 76 years old. My mother is 60 years old. I am 25 years old. Right now some of you may be saying wow. Growing up was quite a task. Having older parents helped me connect better with my elders as well as always acting ten years older than I was. Having older ...

Karla News

Common Factors that Cause Children to Develop Low Self Esteem

There are many factors which contribute to the development of self esteem for our kids. If kids have healthy relationship with his family and friends and he has supportive environment Obviously his self esteem is high. Parents and teachers who want to help kids with low self esteem should know the causes so that they ...

Karla News

Eliminate First Day School Anxiety

Arrival of the end of August and the beginning of September will start the renewal. What renewal is this you may ask? Well, happiness will once again abound in the hearts of many a mom and dad. The rejoicing and the jubilation will be heard by all as parents are seen dancing and singing in ...

Karla News

What is a Baby Dedication Service?

Welcoming the new addition Anticipation and excitement fill the air in the days prior to and following a baby’s birth. He/she is the recipient of lavish love and attention and the parents begin to realize the wonderful yet daunting role that they will play in shaping and modeling the young life that has been entrusted ...

Karla News

Spending Time with Children

The best gift for a parent to give themselves is the gift of time with your children. At a time when children have school, after school programs, and sports, and parents are working more than forty hours a week, time between parent and child is at a premium. This gift, however, takes a great deal ...

Karla News

How Divorce Can Affect Young Children

The biggest issues for children of divorce involve emotional development. Girls whose parents divorce when they are very young tend to handle the divorce better than boys, though between the ages of nineteen to twenty-three the females may experience a resurgence of negative feelings relating to the divorce, a phenomenon named the “Sleeper Effect” by ...

Karla News

Tips for Dads Who Want Custody of the Kids

For the past half century family courts almost automatically gave custody to the mother. When I was growing up in the seventies and eighties, each of my friends from divorced parents lived with his mom. Several saw their fathers every other weekend, but others saw them only on holidays or for a few weeks in ...