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How to Reduce the Look and Feel of Cellulite Naturally

Get Rid of Cellulite, Reduce Cellulite

I don’t know about other women, but as I’ve gotten older, cellulite has become a real problem for me. Seeing what looks like lumpy cottage cheese beneath my skin can be one of the most irritating parts of my day.

There are a number of factors that can contribute to cellulite production, the main one being genetics. If your genetics dictate that you will have cellulite your body actually begins producing it as soon as you hit puberty. That little fact was a real shocker to me because I had always assumed that cellulite was the older woman’s problem. The idea of a young girl hitting puberty having it never crossed my mind.

Another factor has to do with what you put in your body. Your diet also plays a large part in how much cellulite you have. If you eat a junk food diet with few fruits and vegetables and do not drink adequate water, then you most likely have a cellulite problem. Medications can also play a part in adding to cellulite.

There are a number of things you can do to reduce the appearance of cellulite without purchasing expensive creams, or having expensive surgical procedures done such as liposuction. Here are some things you can start doing right now to reduce the look and feel of cellulite.

1. Eat as fresh of a diet as possible. Home made foods that you make yourself from fresh ingredients are best. Processed foods tend to have dyes, preservatives and other chemicals which can contribute to cellulite production.

2. Drink adequate water, at least 7 glasses of water a day are recommended. Water helps your body to flush toxins from your system that may be left behind from eating processed foods, or taking medication for example.

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3. If you are a smoker then stop smoking. Smoking weakens the skin and causes cellulite to appear faster than for non-smokers. All you have to do is think about the young girl who already has a propensity for cellulite from her genetics, and then she becomes a smoker at age fifteen for example, to see how she could easily have a bad cellulite problem as early as her late twenties.

4. If you take medications that you can do without, or find herbal or homeopathic replacements for then do so. This will help to reduce the toxin level in your body and over time will help to reduce cellulite.

5. Use a body brush, shower or massage mitt to massage the areas on your body where you have cellulite. Brush in long and sweeping movements in the direction of your heart. This will help to reduce cellulite.

6. If you do use a cellulite cream make sure that you massage it in very thoroughly. This massaging motion is actually even more important than the cream itself.

7. If you have areas that are especially dimpled or that look as though there is cottage cheese beneath the skin then take coffee grounds (not decaf) and grind them into a powder. Once you do this mix the coffee powder with an inexpensive hand lotion and massage the mixture into these areas for sixty seconds, then wash the mixture off in the shower.

8. But maybe you like to use essential oils. If so, you can make your own massage lotion especially for reducing cellulite. Add 2 drops of rosemary and fennel essential oils to 3 tablespoons of a carrier oil such as sweet almond oil for example. Massage this mixture into your cellulite problem areas daily to see a reduction in cellulite.

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9. Exercise is another great way to reduce and get rid of cellulite. Regular exercise, even just walking every day will go a long way towards helping to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

10. American Indians have known for centuries that steam can benefit you by removing toxins from your body and helping you to remain healthy. So utilizing steam can be a big part of your cellulite removal program. The way to do this is every couple of weeks turn your bathroom into a steam room. You can do this by running a very hot bath or shower and then shutting all the doors and windows in the bathroom. Oh, and you might want to turn off the fan until you’ve gotten the proper effect. You will sweat and this will help to remove excess toxins from your body and to reduce cellulite. It isn’t necessary to remain in a steamy room for long, maybe fifteen or twenty minutes. When you are done, drain the tub and or turn down the temperature on the shower and rinse off with warm water.

11. Adding two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a warm bath may help to get rid of cellulite.

12. Adding two cups of sea salt to a warm bath and soaking for thirty minutes is another natural remedy that may help to reduce cellulite probably because salt helps reduce toxins from the skin.

There are several natural remedies for cellulite listed here that you can try. Even adding a few of these to your daily routine should help to improve the look and feel of your body and reduce cellulite.

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