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How to Overcome Postpartum Depression

Couples Therapy, Mood Disorders

Did you just have a baby and are feeling depressed? If so you’re not alone. There are many women who experience postpartum depression after giving birth. To help understand the signs of postpartum depression and what you can do to overcome postpartum depression, I have interviewed therapist Julie Hanks LCSW.

Tell me a little bit about yourself.
My name is Julie Hanks, LCSW and I own and serve as clinical director of Wasatch Family Therapy, LLC, an outpatient therapy clinic in Salt Lake City, UT. As a psychotherapist and Licensed Clinical Social Worker, I’m passionate about helping women improve their emotional and mental health and strengthen their relationships. For over 15 years I’ve primarily worked with women from 18-40 years of age, many of which have suffered with perinatal mood disorders. I strive to educate the public on women’s emotional health and relationship issues as a media contributor for TV, internet, radio, and magazines.

What are some of the signs of postpartum depression?
Some warning signs of postpartum depression may include sadness, tearfulness, feelings of hopelessness or guilt, sleep or eating problems, lack of interest, irritability or anger, feelings of indifference about your baby, intrusive and unwanted thoughts, and in severe cases, thoughts of hurting yourself or your baby.

What type of impact can postpartum depression have on a woman’s overall life?
“Postpartum depression can impact all areas of a woman’s life. For example postpartum depression can impact their mental and physical health, their family and social relationships, and their ability to bond and respond appropriately to their baby. In severe cases, the woman or baby’s life may be in danger.”

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How can someone overcome postpartum depression?
The level of intervention depends on the severity of the depression. The first step is to talk to someone about distressing thoughts and feelings. Consult with a health or a mental health provider who specializes in perinatal mood disorders to come up with a treatment plan. Increasing the new mother’s practical support system is important because it allows the new mother to have a break from caring for her baby, and focus on her own self-care. Getting adequate sleep and nutrition can help regulate your moods. Support groups are very helpful in normalizing a woman’s experience with postpartum depression. Professional treatment includes therapy and medication.”

What type of professional help is available for someone who has postpartum depression?
“Postpartum depression is treatable through a combination of psychotherapy and medication. While medication can be used while breastfeeding it’s important to consult with a physician about the risks and benefits. Seek a licensed therapist with expertise in treating perinatal mood disorders. Therapists may suggest individual therapy, group therapy, couples therapy, or a combination of methods of treatment to treat postpartum depression.

Thank you Julie for doing the interview on how someone can overcome postpartum depression. For more information on Julie Hanks or her work you can check out her websites on http://www.wasatchfamilytherapy.com or http://www.juliehanks.com.

Recommended Readings:
How to Overcome Depression
Postpartum Depression
Treatment for Depression
