Categories: Dieting & Weight Loss

How to Burn Fat Naturally – 3 Tips for Healthy Fat Loss

There are far too many ways to burn fat, lose fat, dissolve fat, and suction fat, for all of them to work well or at all. There are many supplements, drugs, surgical procedures, diets and more that aren’t actually helpful and can be harmful. There are some simple natural ways to burn fat that don’t involve cutting, sucking, or anxiety from stimulants. Here are 3 tips.

1. Exercise In The Morning on An Empty Stomach This is almost like cheating as far as burning fat goes. When you wake up, your body has been using the food you ate the past day for energy during the night. So, your blood sugar levels are lower in the morning, and there isn’t any energy “at hand.” So, your body will dig straight into the fat reserves for energy. I recommend something cardiovascular such as running or swimming for 20-30 minutes. Even doing this 3 times a week you will notice a difference. The first time I did it, I literally felt a difference in my abdominal fat with my hands. Also, burning fat in the morning through exercise will speed your metabolism up for the rest of the day.

2. Do Strength/Weight Training at Least 3 Times A Week Here’s the thing that most people don’t realize. Muscle is metabolic, and thus, it uses energy. Fat is just stored energy. So, you can increase the amount of calories you burn by having more muscle. And it will make the shape of your body better looking. If you just do cardio training, you can lose fat and be “skinny,” but it will be more work to keep it off, and you won’t be as toned and shaped as you could be. Now, males, don’t tell me that you just want look like Brad Pitt, not Arnold Schwarzeneggar. That’s really just an excuse to not lift weights. Your not going to lift weights for a week and be huge. And Brad Pitt probably benches a lot more than you think. Ladies, you aren’t going to “get huge” either because you don’t have testosterone like men have it. So, unless you do steroids, all weight training will do is firm, shape, and tone your muscles. Most people you see in the magazines, on TV, etc., do some weight training. They aren’t just skinny.

3. Don’t Eat Too Many Carbs or Fat, Especially at Night I am not promoting any low carb or low fat diet! Your body needs carbs for energy. And there are a lot of good fats out there. However, I’ve found that a majority of people’s calories come from “empty calories.” Things like soda, frap whatevers (sugary fatty coffee drinks), chips, cookies, etc. I once knew of someone that was on a strict eating diet, but wasn’t losing weight. He drank about 8 sodas a day! Thats a lot of empty calories! Finally, don’t eat either high fat or high carb foods within about 2-3 hours of going to bed. Your body will end up storing most of it. Just like early morning exercise digs into fat and burns it, eating high carb or fat foods late at night goes straight to the fat reserves. So, just curb your empty calorie intake, not completely remove it.

So, now that you’ve learned something, put it into action, and you’ll burn fat naturally in no time.

Karla News

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