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How to Become a Multimillionaire

Con Edison, Deregulation

In order to be a multimillionaire, you have to start with the thought that you are already a multimillionaire. Before you go to bed and when you wake in the morning tell yourself, I am a multimillionaire! Next, work on your dream and bring it into reality!

You have to believe that you are a multimillionaire because thought shapes matter. If you can believe it, it can happen! All things are possible within the realm of possibility!

Have you heard of or read “The Secret”? This Book and DVD is a positive thinking tool that exposes the fact that you are what you think!

Does some of this sound familiar to you? It should sound familiar. It should ring in your ear as a truth. People who know this to be true have been trying to share this knowledge with everyone else who is willing to listen for years!

They have said it in many ways:

Thought shapes matter.

Ideas become things.

You are what you think.

If you can believe it you can achieve it.

You have heard it before. Now say to yourself. I am a multimillionaire!

Say it out loud! Carlos Marin says that if you do, rich people will think you are a genius and poor people will think you are crazy! Carlos Marin is a multimillionaire.

Now how do you get there? Anyone can do it. All they have to do is believe it can happen then act on it! I have discovered a way to get there!

Carlos began with this thought and began with selling Amway products. He has now found a product to sell that is much easier and everyone you know uses it. It is much easier to sell than carrying around a lot of products.

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There is nothing to carry, and it’s lighter than air. What is it?

It’s electricity! He describes the deregulation of electricity as a chance to get in on the ground floor of the greatest redistribution of wealth this world has ever seen!

Every Time Someone Turns On The Lights I Make Money

New York English

Texas English

Cada Vez Que Alguien Enciende Las Luces Yo Hago Dinero

New York Spanish

Texas Spanish

Deregulation in Texas and New York is making lots of people rich!

Everyone in this business begins as a Marketing Consultant. You give this service to new customers in Texas or in New York and Texas get people to switch over. The new customer does not pay you anything. You begin to earn right away as a Marketing Consultant. You can stay a Marketing Consultant and earn residual income for every customer every month. The key to becoming a multimillionaire however is to become a Regional Representative and to help others to do the same under your guidance. Each one teach one!

You will earn bonuses by growing your business as well as residual income from your customers and customers on every level.

The starting costs are practically free because you earn the entire amount that you spend back in bonuses in increments when you sign up your first 4 – 10 – 15 – 20 – 25 and 30 customers. For an example, you get paid a $100.00 bonus for your first 4 customers. You yourself already count as 2 customers so you only need 2 more. Sign up your own service to make 3 and now to get the first $100. bonus you really only need 1 customer! Everybody uses electricity!

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Your electric service customers will continue to receive their billing through Con Edison or their states provider only with a substantial discount and travel vouchers as well as travel points every month! The electric service customers all have an opportunity for an example to get a free cruise just for recommending 5 new customers! Everyone wins!

The Co-founders who started this company come from a background such as Jere Thompson whose family owned the Seven Eleven Stores and Chris Chambless who worked with Excel.

You can’t go wrong here. Everyone uses electricity.

Here is the site to sign up for service.New York Electric

New Business owners can sign up here: New York Electric

The parent company began with deregulation in Texas and is now in New York. As other states deregulate, this company will be there and you can be there too

You do not have to live in New York or Texas to take part. For an example, some business owners are actually in other states selling in New York. I am in New York but I also have customers in Texas.

In the last three weeks, I have already earned the cost of my website back in Leadership and New Customer Bonuses! Every week I get a check in the mail! I am a multi millionaire! I am a multimillionaire! Go ahead and think whatever you want. Take it or leave it alone. Join me and say I am a multimillionaire!

If you can think it! You can achieve it!

When you go to sleep tonight don’t forget to tell yourself. I am a multimillionaire!

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When you wake up in the morning tell yourself. I am a multimillionaire!

Save On Electricity With New York Electric and Ambit!
