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How to Ease Your Toddler’s Cough

Coughing, Toddlers

Thanks to fairly recent changes from the FDA there are now no available oral medicines to treat a cough in very young children. Since toddlers are unable to take traditional cough medicines, many parents feel helpless when their little one has a cough. There are some ways to treat toddlers with a cough, though, that will help your little guy or gal get some relief and some sleep. Here are three ways to help your toddler with a cough.

Humidifiers. Running a humidifier in your child’s room at night may help your little one get some cough relief and sleep. Humidifiers add moisture to the air, and thus the lungs, helping suppress coughs caused by dryness in the air. Humidifiers are especially helpful in the winter when indoor air tends to be the driest. Be sure to purchase a cool humidifier for your toddler’s room as a warm humidifier may cause burns if your curious little guy decides to examine it more closely. Additionally, don’t close the door to your toddler’s room completely when using a humidifier. If the door is shut completely the moisture can build up too.

Vicks Baby Rub. Most Americans are aware of the product, Vicks VapoRub. This topical cream is applies to the chest, neck, and back and the vapors that are released may help with congestion, and thus cough. Vicks also makes a product called Vicks Baby Rub. This milder formula can be used safely on toddlers. Just rub a very thin layer of Vicks Baby Rub on your child before she goes to sleep. Dress her in looser pajamas. Don’t use too much of the product as it can cause the skin to sting slightly and is very difficult to remove once it is spread on the skin.

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Honey. For many generations moms and grandmas have sworn on honey as an excellent cough suppressant. A teaspoon of honey before bed may indeed calm your toddler’s cough and as long as your little one is more than a year old, he can consume honey safely. The sticky texture of honey coats the throat and may help relieve some overnight coughing, without the use of medication. And you certainly won’t have any trouble getting your little one to take this sweet “medicine.”

Nothing is harder as a parent than watching your child be uncomfortable or in pain. Try these tips for easing your toddler’s cough with the use of oral medication.