Articles for tag: Coughing, Toddlers

Karla News

How to Ease Your Toddler’s Cough

Thanks to fairly recent changes from the FDA there are now no available oral medicines to treat a cough in very young children. Since toddlers are unable to take traditional cough medicines, many parents feel helpless when their little one has a cough. There are some ways to treat toddlers with a cough, though, that ...

Karla News

Bee M.D. Organic Honey Throat Drops

Having a sore throat along with coughing can be bothersome and finding natural cough drops to help relieve coughing and soothe your sore throat can be difficult to find as well. However I have found some fantastic organic cough drops that taste great and helps stop your coughing and soothes yours sore throat. These organic ...

Five Common Causes for a Chronic Cough

Having a chronic cough can be quite annoying, and depending on the reason for the cough, there are ways to get rid of it, since a chronic cough obviously signifies a potentially serious underlying problem. The first step to getting rid of a chronic cough is identifying the cause. This will require you to see ...

Karla News

When Coughing Leads to Vomiting

I have cough variant asthma, which means that I tend to cough a lot at the slightest stimuli. Cold weather and exercise sometimes cause an attack, but I more often cough when I’m exposed to certain allergens like pollen or dust. Unfortunately, like many Americans, I also frequently suffer from acid reflux. Acid reflux can ...

Mucinex Dm Stops Nagging Coughs and Decongests

I have had allergies my entire life. First, it was just the normal, seasonal hay fever when I lived with my parents in the city. Once I got married, we moved to a small village out in the country. Then my allergies would trigger in spring, summer and fall. Once we moved to the farm ...

Karla News

Home Treatments for Minor Coughing in Dogs and Puppies

Canines do not cough as much as humans. Coughing is a symptom of many medical conditions in dogs. When a dog coughs, it often sounds as if the source of the cough in deep in the chest. Dogs or puppies that cough once and then do not cough again for hours do not need to ...

Karla News

Coughing or Wheezing: Do You Have Sarcoid Tumors?

You are coughing. You do not have a fever. Cough drops don’t help. You don’t have allergies or asthma. You do not feel sick, but the cough just won’t quit. In exhaustion and frustration, you finally go to the doctor. He or she checks you over and orders a chest x-ray, tuberculosis (Tb) test, a ...

Karla News

Boiron Chestal Honey to Relieve Coughing

I few months ago I had a really bad dry wheezy cough that wouldn’t go away no matter what I took. One night I got so sick of coughing and not being able to breath properly I went out to my natural health food store and looked around for a natural alternative cough medicine that ...

Cure Your Relentless Cough Naturally

If you have an incessant cough, it seems there’s nothing you can do it to curb the impulse to hack and bark every 30 seconds. It’s embarrassing, it’s painful, and sometimes you can cough so hard you can hurt your back. Cold and cough remedies like cough drops or syrup, work for a few moments ...

Karla News

Ways to Control Your Pet’s Cough

Coughing is a normal body function for people but coughing in pets can be a sign of a serious problem. Pets cough occasionally but nowhere near as much as people, so if your pet has a cough here’s a few things to do to control the hack. One of the main reasons pets will start ...