Karla News

Glowlight Tetra Fact Sheet

Cichlids, Guppies, Guyana, Siamese Fighting Fish, Tetra

The Glowlight Tetra, Hemigrammus erythrozonus is a peaceful little fish. The other common names of theGlowlight Tetra are variations on the spelling of Glowlight Tetra; Glo-light tetra, Glolight and Glolight. The Glowlight Tetra usually grows to about one inch (2.5cm) long although there are reports of ones as big as one and a half times this size. The Glowlight Tetra is a South American tetra coming from the Essequibo River in Guyana. This river has rapids and water falls.

Water Conditions

The Glowlight Tetra is a tropical fish. 24̊ C (75̊ F) is a suitable temperature for a mixed tank including Glowlight Tetras although in their natural habitat they have slightly warmer water than this. The ideal pH for the Glowlight Tetrais about 6.8 although they will tolerate a range of ph from 6 to 8. In a mixed tank 7 (neutral) is suitable.

The hardness of the Essequibo River is low and soft water is better for Glowlight Tetras. They will tolerate slightly harder water; they are quite tough little fish.


The Glowlight Tetra is a schooling fish and I suggest at least four and preferably more be kept together. Other fish that can be kept with the Glowlight Tetra include all the other tetras, most of the barbs, the Danios, most common live bearers, the Corydoras catfish, Clown Loaches, Kuhli Loaches and other small peaceful fish.

Common companions include Neon Tetras, Black Widow Tetras, Cardinal Tetras, Emperor Tetras, Head and Tail Light Tetras, Glass Bloodfin Tetras, Guppies, Endlers Guppies, Neon Tetras, Peppered Catfish, Siamese Fighting Fish , White Cloud Mountain Minnows and Zebra Danios. Note that not all these common companions are compatible with each other.

See also  Blind Cave Tetra Fact Sheet

Fish I would not suggest as companions for Glowlight Tetras are the larger and more aggressive fish and the ones that need different conditions. These include many of the Cichlids as well as such fish as the Great White Shark .


The Glowlight Tetra is an omnivore and will eat all normal fishfoods. I suggest a good quality flake food as a basis of there diet and live and frozen food to add variety. Good live foods include daphnia and mosquito larvae (wrigglers). Good frozen foods include frozen bloodworms.


Like most of the tetras the Glowlight Tetra scatters its eggs and does not look after its babies. Removing the adults after spawning is a good idea. The Glowlight Tetra is moderately hard to breed. To improve your chances of success, feed the adults well on rich foods including plenty of live food. The water needs to be very soft and slightly acidic. Raising the temperature to about27̊ C (81̊ F) may induce spawning.

Baby Glowlight Tetras are small and difficult to raise in the early stages. They benefit from live food of appropriate size at all ages.


Glow Light Tetras.