Karla News

Flat Belly Diet is the Newest Weight Loss Program

Prevention Magazine

The newest diet craze is the Flat Belly Diet. Prevention Magazine has created the ultimate flab busting eating plan. They tested this diet out, now we get to hear the results of how it worked. According to Prevention Magazine their diet can help you lose weight especially around you middle section. They explain that it is important to lose the fat around your belly because it can reduce your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar.

They explain that there are five flat belly foods. According to Prevention you should be eating at least one of these foods at every meal. These foods are high in mono-unsaturated fats, which their research have linked to overall weight loss.

They five foods are

1. Good oils- Such as oil, flaxseed oil, olive oil, peanut oil, pesto sauce, safflower oil, sesame oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, walnut oil

2. Nuts and Seeds- Almonds, almond butter, Brazil nuts, cashew butter, chunky natural peanut butter, dry-roasted cashews, dry-roasted peanuts, dry-roasted sunflower seeds, hazelnuts and many others.

3. Avocado

4. Olives- Black or Green

5. Chocolate- Dark or semisweet chocolate chips, shavings, or chunks

They also talk about eating more whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes, and limiting your intake of meat. Their suggested meal plans suggest around 1600 calories a day.

The experts at prevention explain that this diet helps you lose weight fast, by helping you get rid of the bloat. They say that a lot of the foods that everybody eats causes us to bloat. Thats why you see results so fast in the first four days, because you get rid of the bloat. They said you would continue to lose weight after that, but the initial drop of weight loss can help encourage you.

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I just had a baby less then two months ago, and I need to lose the extra baby weight. This diet sounds like it might be perfect for me. Since I have this extra weight from my pregnancy it is mainly right around my belly, so it sounds like this diet is going to target that area. The five foods also sound good to me, I think I could handle eating those. I mean who doesn’t love chocolate. I decided to look into this diet a little more. So I went to their web site http://www.flatbellydiet.prevention.com/default.asp so I could see what it takes to sign up. If you sign up for the web site you get recipes, on-line support, tracks your progress, gives you expert advise, and will even help you with the fitness side of it.

If you are interested in signing up for the web-site you get the first three months free. It seems like a good deal to me because while normally I wouldn’t pay for an on-line weight loss site, three month free would give me the chance to see if it really works. After three months I could see if I wanted to continue. The fact that they offer three months free encourages me, because they must expect you to see some results quickly so you will be inclined to continue their program. The three months free also excite me, because since I am just trying to lose baby weight I should be close to or at my goal after the three months.

The Flat Belly Diet seems exciting to me. It seems like they way they are targeting the weight loss on your belly area, is different that the usual weight loss program. But as with any new weight loss program I am skeptical. But this diet seems to be more based on eating right, rather then strange gimmicks. I think I am going to give this diet a chance. Because any diet really comes down to if we can and will follow it. If you try the three months free whats the wost you can lose? A few pounds? Sounds good to me! If you need to lose weight why don’t you try it out, and see how it works for you.