Karla News

Five of My Must-Have Pregnancy Products


Pregnancy is an exciting time in any woman’s life and marketing professionals take advantage of that. It seems like every year, there are more and more products aimed toward pregnant women. It can be hard for an expectant mother to know what products are really useful and what products aren’t. Here’s a few of my favorite pregnancy products.

64-ounce water bottle
One thing I struggle with on a regular basis is being sure to drink enough water every day. This is especially important during pregnancy. Despite my best efforts, I just couldn’t seem to remember to drink enough water. I finally bought a reusable, BPA-free 64 ounce water bottle and made a point to fill it each morning and drink it all by bed. Having a single water bottle that held all of the water I needed in a day made it so much easier to remember and helped protect me from becoming dehydrated.

Baby Be Mine Belly Band
When I was pregnant with my first child, I lived in an area where maternity clothes weren’t available at local stores. You either had to shop online, or do what I did and buy your clothes a couple sizes bigger than normal. When I was pregnant with my second child, however, I discovered the joy of Baby Be Mine belly bands. Belly bands are cotton tubes of fabric, similar to a tube top, that is worn around the belly, allowing you to wear too-short shirts and giving your outfit a layered look without exposing skin. The best part was that on days I was feeling especially bloated early in my pregnancy, I could wear my belly band lower and leave my pants unbuttoned and no one knew any better. I had tried a friend’s belly band previously and fallen in love. Baby Be Mine belly bands are a must have for every pregnancy.

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Boy shorts
When I’m not pregnant, I usually wear bikini cut or string bikini cut panties. During pregnancy, however, not only does your stomach expand, but your butt and thighs do too. Suddenly, those bikini cut panties end up fitting more like a thong. Boy shorts panties worked great during pregnancy because they provided more coverage, but were still attractive and cute, unlike high cut granny panties.

Boppy Total Body Pillow
Being pregnant changed the way I sleep permanently. I found that I was a lot more comfortable laying on my side with a pillow between my legs, but unfortunately, I kept waking up in the middle of the night with my pillows scattered and having to rearrange my sleeping situation in the dark. My grandmother gifted me a Boppy Total Body Pillow and I slept more comfortably than I have ever slept in my life. I woke up less during the night, and got up in the morning feeling less sore and achy than I did when I was sleeping with half a dozen regular pillows arranged precariously around me.

Yoga pants
The word “maternity” when attached to a product seems to increase the price of the product for some unknown reason. When I was pregnant with my second child, I went all out buying a maternity wardrobe only to discover that I was wearing my old yoga pants more than my specialty maternity pants. Yoga pants are comfortable enough to lounge in around the house, but can be nice enough (if you choose wisely) to wear out with a nice shirt or top. Yoga pants are stretchy and comfortable and are a definite must-have for any pregnant woman. The best part about yoga pants was that I could still wear them after I gave birth until I fit my pre-pregnancy clothes again.

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