Articles for tag: Birth Story, Free Birth Announcements, Natural Birth, Natural Childbirth

Karla News

Four Must-Read Books on Natural Childbirth

The top two books on my natural childbirth reading list are Ina May’s Guild to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin and The Thinking Woman’s Guide to Better Birth by Henci Goer. These two books provide a tremendous amount of information about the “medical model” of childbirth versus the natural childbirth model. The Guide to Better ...

Surviving HELLP Syndrome

When my first pregnancy was winding down into its third trimester, I remember thinking what a relatively trouble-free time I was having. I had heard countless horror stories of constant nausea, weeks of bed rest restriction, and every ache and pain imaginable. Sure, I had endured the first several weeks in a routine of breakfast, ...