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Finding a Natural Alternative to Ritalin

Homeopathic Remedies, Parenting Book, Ritalin

Choosing an alternative to Ritalin has become a real issue for many parents of children diagnosed with ADHD. Either because they fear the side effects or don’t find Ritalin particularly effective, they are opting for other courses of treatment in order to ease their children’s symptoms. Fortunately for these parents, the homeopathic field has heard and responded to their concerns.

Because the main symptoms of ADHD, including hyperactivity, lack of concentration and inability to focus, can cause children to be quite disruptive, many parents and doctors are eager for a quick fix. Traditional stimulant based medications can offer a fast way to ease symptoms and help children calm down enough to participate in regular daily activities, including school. But these medications are not without their drawbacks, which is why Ritalin alternatives are becoming so popular.

Among the most common drugs used to control ADHD are Ritalin, Adderall and Dexedrine, all of which are stimulant based medicines that work by increasing dopamine levels in the brain. This leads to improved concentration and focus and reduction of hyperactivity but it can also lead to dulling of regular responses and changes in personality. As a healthy alternative to Ritalin and other traditional medications, natural remedies offer positive results without these disturbing side effects.

The reason that Ritalin and similar medications have proven ineffective is that they focus solely on the surface symptoms, rather than addressing the imbalance of neurotransmitters that causes ADHD. As Ritalin alternatives, homeopathic remedies target the entire body and work to restore that balance for a long term effect.

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Stimulant based medications also carry a host of side effects from restlessness, difficulty sleeping and loss of appetite to psychiatric problems, disruption of regular heart function and the risk of becoming addicted. As an alternative to Ritalin, homeopathic remedies offer a safe choice, using only natural ingredients which are free of any side effects.

Made from a unique blend of herbs and other plant based ingredients, homeopathic remedies are based on centuries old health care principals which treat the body as a whole for thorough and long lasting results. By going beyond surface symptoms, these Ritalin alternatives can be tailored for each individual’s needs for more comprehensive treatment.

Using such herbs as Hyoscyamus, Arsen iod, and Tuberculinum, homeopathic remedies can help to calm hyperactivity, improve focus, reduce impulsive and erratic behavior and ease physical twitching. And since they work with the body’s own defenses, these remedies provide a safe, gentle and effective alternative to Ritalin. Together with behavioral therapy and relaxation techniques, homeopathic remedies can offer a complete approach toward treating ADHD, from the inside out.

If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD, don’t assume that you have to go the traditional route for treatment. Talk with your doctor about all of the options and don’t be afraid to consider homeopathic remedies. Taking the natural path to healing may be the best choice you can make for your child.

Laura Ramirez researches natural alternatives to Ritalin and publishes her findings on her web site at www.treating-adhd-naturally.com.

She is also the author of the award-winning parenting book, Keepers of the Children: Native American Wisdom and Parenting which shows parents how to raise children to bring out their natural strengths and talents.