Articles for tag: Adhd Symptoms, FDA Approved, Fda Approved Drug, Strattera

Strattera: A Non-Stimulant Treatment for ADD and ADHD

Each year, millions of American children are diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder, also known as ADD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, also known as ADHD. For parents, caring for an ADD or ADHD child can be challenging. With a variety of stimulant based prescription medications on the market, ADD and ADHD children are subjected to ...

Daytrana; The ADHD Patch

As the most widely studied childhood disorder, ADHD treatments and programs remain at the forefront of pediatric and psychiatric professionals in addition to focus by school educators and parents. In small children, generally under the age of 12, parents often find the administration of ADHD prescribed oral medications are difficult as many children simply may ...

Treating ADHD: Vyvanse Versus Concerta XR

In 2007, the FDA approved Vyvanse in the management of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD, in children. For many children, this approval marks the change from one classification of stimulant to another classification of stimulant, often producing a completely different set of reactions and side effects. As the parent of a teenager who suffers from ...

Clonidine for ADHD

My son was always struggling and getting into trouble with his ADHD. He meant well but had extreme difficulties controlling himself. He has been diagnosed with a critical case of ADHD. We began his therapy and medication management about 3 years ago. The constant hyperness was getting him in trouble every day at school. To ...

Karla News

Can Diabetes Affect Mood or Cause Anger and Even ADHD?

Is diabetes connected to anger, bad moods and ADHD? On one hand, it seems there’s no connection between being easily aroused to anger, ADHD or being very moody, and having diabetes. But suppose an adult or child in your life has anger issues, or frequently has mood disturbances or signs of ADHD. This person can ...