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Fight Depression Without Drugs

Fatty Foods, Fight Depression, Fighting Depression

Depression is a debilitating disease which effects every aspect of a person’s life. Many people choose not to take anti depressants as the medicine is often as bad as the disease. In fact, according to a Fox News Report , suicide is a known side effect of prescription anti depressants, especially in children and teenagers. Luckily, there are safe alternatives to these medications for those who choose to battle depression without the drugs.

Web MD suggest exercise and sunlight are very important for any one fighting depression. Therefore, a person who chooses to forgo treatment with drugs should be sure to get outside and take brisk walks for at least 30 minutes a day. Longer is better. This is easier done in the summer, spring, and early fall when the weather is warm and sun abundant, but it becomes harder as late fall and winter begin. Light therapy according to the Mayo clinic, is strongly advised for the colder days as well as indoor exercise. Light therapy is the use of a sun lamp indoors. The lamp will provide the same vitamins that natural sunlight provide. Indoor exercise can be as simple as walking on the treadmill or as complex as kick-boxing. It is important to choose an exercise that agrees with personal fitness levels.

Of course, exercise and sunlight will not by themselves eliminate depression. Diet is also an important factor in fighting depression. While fatty foods may seem to alleviate the depression in the short term, they actually hurt the person in the long run. The body gets a temporary “high” from the fat rich foods and then a sudden drop that leaves the person more depressed than they were before they ate the food. This is in many ways the same effect that drugs have on the brain. The excetption would be fatty fish and other foods containing Omega 3 which has been shown to lower depression levels according to Web MD. Instead of eating fatty foods, a person battling this debilitating disease should eat a diet rich in vitamins, fruits, whole grains, and fresh vegetable. For an immediate pick me up, choose dark chocolate. The high levels of cocoa in dark chocolate alleviate feelings of depression and are better for long term health. Cocoa has been shown to lower bad cholesterol, and high blood pressure as well as improve sexual health according toDr. Bo Nielson .

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Also important is that the person stay busy. Boredom has been shown to be a serioius symptom of depression, according to E medicine health. Crafting, going out with friends, and physical activities such as riding a bike or roller blading will decrease boredom and give the person something to look forward to each day.

Another activity that can help decrease depression is writing. Many people find that journaling about their thoughts helps them to relieve stress and frees their mind. Keeping a journal will also help the person track their progress by allowing them to see how often they are still experiencing feelings of depression.
Sleepy Dust suggest a gratitude journal.

Finally, it is important that any person experiencing depression stay under a doctor’s care. Therapy will decrease stress and give the person an outlet to discuss their feelings. Also, if feelings of depression worsen or the person experiences suicidal thoughts drugs may be required and they will need a physician who has knowledge of their battle with the disease.

These tips will help those individuals who have already decided not to take drugs for their depression live a healthier life. It is not meant to encourage those currently on medication to stop treatment. This article should be used in conjunction with rather than instead of a doctor’s orders.

Using these tips many people have decreased their level of depression and come to live a healthy normal life. Incorporate them into daily routines and soon life will improve. It is possible to leave depression behind and forge a brighter future.