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Exercise Equipment for Home

Exercise Equipment, Home Gym Equipment, Total Gym

There are dozens of companies selling numerous different types of exercise machines and exercise equipment for home use. You see the infomercials on television every night for the latest gadgets, the Air Climber, Leg Magic, or The Bean. The claims for these devices are all the same, lose weight and inches fast, ten pounds in 2 weeks, 4 inches in 10 days, etc… Do these devices really provide these types of benefits. No, they do not! What you find out when you receive these devices is that they all come with a highly restrictive diet you are required to follow in order get the results promised. Of course, very little or no mention of this is provided during the infomercial.

The other big problem with these devices is they typically have you doing one type of movement over and over again. This is not the way to get in shape or lose weight. Sure, you may burn a few calories at first, but your body will eventually adapt to the exercise giving you less and less benefit. The other problem is they do not provide a balanced workout, you end up overworking certain muscle groups while completely neglecting others. This can cause a number of different health problems including back issues and muscle imbalance related injuries.

So, what is the best exercise equipment for home. I would recommend the type of equipment that many personal trainers use to get their clients in shape. There is a reason why most all of the top trainers and top training studios use the same type of equipment. It works! Things like bosu balls, stability balls, medicine balls and resistance bands are excellent for providing full-body functional training and they are the best types of exercise equipment for home.
For information on where to purchase this type of equipment at the lowest price, go to: best home exercise equipment

See also  Total Gym 3000 Review

If you are looking for home gym exercise equipment for home use, I would recommend the Total Gym. It is a compact, studio grade machine that uses your own body weight to complete dozens of different exercises. I used the Total Gym at Crunch Fitness to train personal training clients and myself with great results.
For more information on the Total Gym and to get a great discount go to: best home gym equipment

Of course, no exercise program will be very effective if your eating habits are bad. No amount of exercise will completely compensate for this. However, the last thing you want to do when you are trying to lose weight and get in shape is to go on a restrictive fad diet. You need to learn how to eat the right way with the foods you like and when eating away from home.
For the best program to teach you the things you must know to lose weight and keep it off, go to: best nutrition based weight loss program
