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Do Natural Liver Cleansers Work?

Cleansers, Liver Cleanse, Liver Cleansing, Liver Health, Milk Thistle

Natural liver cleansers are advertised online as a way to rid the body of excess toxins. Some companies that sell these products go so far as to claim that cleansing the liver naturally with these products will lead to weight loss and help to boost energy levels. But do these liver cleansing products really work? Find out whether they’re worth the time or money – and, most importantly, whether they’re safe.

Natural Liver Cleansers: What’s in Liver Detoxifiers?

Natural liver cleansers can be found in the form of specific products such as Liver Cleanse that are taken in capsule form several times a day. These products usually include a variety of supplements – with most containing the milk thistle – a plant used in herbal medicine to prevent and treat liver problems. Some also contain the amino acid taurine which product makers claim helps to detoxify the liver – along with dandelion root, natural laxatives, and various other herbs and plant derivatives. The idea is that this combination of ingredients helps to rid the body of toxins which can make digestion sluggish and lead to fatigue and weight gain. There are also various liver cleansing diets that are promoted for the same purpose.

Do Liver Cleansing Products Really Work?

The herb milk thistle has been the subject of several studies – looking at its role in treating diseases of the liver. A Cochrane analysis of these studies showed that milk thistle doesn’t benefit the livers of people diagnosed with alcoholic or viral disease of the liver. Despite this, animal studies show that milk thistle is a good antioxidant and can reduce the effects of certain toxins such as carbon tetrachloride on the liver. More studies are needed to show whether or not milk thistle has any real benefits for liver health.

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There really is no proof that these natural liver cleansing products have any benefit for detoxifying the liver. The liver is designed to be its own detoxifying machine and to remove harmful substances and pollutants from the body by modifying them so they’re excreted in the feces or urine. Sometimes the liver’s ability to detoxify is reduced by taking certain medications, eating an unhealthy diet, smoking, and using too much alcohol. In these cases, making healthy lifestyle changes should be more effective than using liver detoxifiers and cleansers for ridding the body of toxins.

Are Natural Liver Cleansers Dangerous?

When used for short periods of time, they’re unlikely to be dangerous, although using them for longer periods could lead to potassium imbalances due to the laxatives some of them contain. They could also be dangerous for people with diabetes, eating disorders, and those who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Natural Liver Cleansers: The Bottom Line?

There’s no evidence that they work and they could be harmful if used long-term by causing imbalances in electrolytes such as potassium. To help the liver do its job better, stop smoking, cut back on alcohol, and eat a healthy balanced diet.


Prescriber’s Letter. February 2010. page 11.