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Dandelion is an Essential Herbal Remedy for Treating Many Problems

Acne Vulgaris, Hematuria


Little known facts

Some believe the Greek words for lion and tooth led to the first part of the dandelion’s botanical name, “Leontodon”.

It is also believed that the French, ‘dent de Leon’ (teeth of the lion) led to the name, “Dandelion”.

The term, blow ball is another name for dandelion. It comes from a myth that if a person blew on the matured seed head of a dandelion and counted the number of feathery seeds left on the stem, that person would know how many kids they were going to have.

As a poultice, dandelion has been used in the treatment of breast cancer.

European herbalists consider dandelion to be one of the best herbs to build blood and help anemia. They continually use the herb for diabetes and liver diseases.

The French use cooked dandelion roots as a vegetable. It’s sliced up and added to salads in Germany.

Every different part of the dandelion, especially the leaves and roots are helpful in some way.

True effects

If eaten, dandelion greens can help teeth enamel.

Dandelion can also help reduce cholesterol and uric acid in the body.

As a juice, broken dandelion stems are good for warts, acne, blisters, and even corns.

Dandelion has been used in stimulating the flow of bile from the liver. It works so well that constant use will expel the first stages of cirrhosis of the liver.

Lung infections can be treated by the seeds.

Have any liver complaints? Take some dandelion.

I stopped taking anything – including my daily vitamins, before I started on dandelion in its capsule form. The effect this great herb had on me was simply amazing. I felt great, clean. Of course, given the magnitude of all dandelion can do, I naturally assumed I would feel re-energized. Instead, my body felt almost renewed. It was as if all the toxins were just flushed out the second the pill took effect.

Disorders, irritations, ailments, and bodily systems treated Dandelion

Acne – This should be self-explanatory. But, in case you don’t know what acne is exactly, I’ll tell you. Acne or acne vulgaris is an inflammatory disease of the skin, made obvious by lesions commonly known as zits, pimples or spots.

Abscesses – Pus localized anywhere on the body. There are many different types. Acute abscesses come with throbbing pain and fever. Chronic abscesses are long-lived abscesses without the inflammation. Gingival abscesses are found within periodontal pockets. Periurethral abscesses can be found around the urethra, causing painful urination.

Age spots

Anemia – Simply put, anemia is a deficiency of red blood cells. This can cause the blood to have trouble transporting oxygen to vital systems of the body.

Appetite stimulant

Arthritis – In case you don’t know what it is by now, let me clarify. Arthritis is when there is serious damage to joints in the body. There are certain kinds of arthritis; rheumatoid arthritis for example can be an autoimmune disease where the body will literally be attacking itself.

Asthma – This should be self-explanatory. But in case it isn’t, in case you don’t know what it is exactly, I’ll tell you. Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory system that constricts a person’s airway. Common symptoms of asthma are wheezing, and coughing.

Bladder – This elastic organ that collects urine from the kidneys can be host to any number of illnesses and deficiencies; such as, bladder sphincter dyssynergia or the condition that can lead to incontinent urination, Cystitis or the inflammation of the bladder, and Hematuria or the presence of blood in your urine.


Blood purifier

Blood cleanser

High blood pressure – This should be self-explanatory. But let’s get into it for argument’s sake. High blood pressure or hypertension is when the pressure in your blood in chronically elevated. This can lead to heart attacks, heart failure, and strokes.

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Boils – Simply put, a boil is a swelling or infection of a hair follicle or sweat gland.

Bowel inflammation – Your bowels or intestines are extremely long canals in your belly that can be host to any number of diseases; such as, Gastroenteritis or inflammation of the intestines, Ileus or blockage of the intestines, Ileitis or inflammation of the ileum and of course, Colitis.

Inflammation can be either acute or chronic. The body is trying to heal a wound or abrasion, causing redness, swelling and bruising. This is usually done by sending in plasma and leukocytes.

Breast cancer – This is a disease we’ve all been introduced to in one way or another. But hardly anyone ever tells you how it works. Well, let me explain. Cancer is an unnatural division and propagation of cells. Plus, when you get too many cells growing in one place, they can invade and destroy other tissues. This disease can travel to all parts of the body, and form in many organs; such as, the kidneys, the lungs, the bladder and stomach.

Breast tumors

Bronchitis – To explain bronchitis, you’ll have to know what the bronchus or bronchi are. The broncus is one of two tree-branch-like pipes (trachea) that are used to transfer air to and from the lungs. Bronchitis is simply an inflammation of mucous membranes in those pipes.

Lowers cholesterol – Cholesterol is a white, waxy tissue found in animal fats, oils, in bile, blood and egg yolk. It can form the largest part of the most common gallstone.

Congestion – Congestion is an abnormal buildup of blood in a part of the body.

Constipation – If you’re having trouble going poop, if and when you do poop you’re stool is as hard as a rock, you know you’ve been constipated.

Corns – Thickened skin that is commonly found on the feet, including on toes and between toes. If you find a wart on your foot, it’s known as a seed corn.

Cramps – This is simply painful muscle spasms that most commonly occurs in the legs.

Dermatitis – Simply put, dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin. There are several different types. Actinic dermatitis can be caused by exposure to sunlight. Atopic dermatitis can be caused by allergies. Chemical dermatitis is caused by an exposure to chemicals. Industrial dermatitis is generally caused by contact with industrial-used materials.

Diabetes – A disorder in which the body can no longer metabolize insulin, carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Severe conditions require frequent shots of insulin.

Digestive disorders – Digestion is the process in which the body converts foods into everything the body will need, including energy, vitamins, and minerals. Disorders include heartburn, ulcers, dyspepsia, Celiac Disease, and Crohn’s Disease.

Dropsy – Accumulation of clear fluids in bodily tissues or cavities, and an obsolete term to describe many other fluid retaining states is dropsy.

Dyspepsia – Simply put, this is another form of indigestion.

Eczema – It’s a general term for cases of skin inflammation. If you have redness, oozing or crusted parts of your skin, you might just have some form of eczema. Bet you wanted to read all about eczema. I’m cruel, but I’m not that cruel.


Fatigue – This should be self-explanatory. But I think we should talk about this condition for the fun of it. Fatigue is when your body is afflicted with lethargia.

Female organs

Fevers – This should be self-explanatory. But for the sake of argument, let’s go into it anyway. It’s when the body temperature goes rises above the normal 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

Gall bladder – Located under the liver, this pear-shaped organ is essential for storing bile. But, every so often this important organ can be host to any number of disorders or diseases. You can have an hourglass condition in which your gallbladder is divided into two functioning halves. You also have a strawberry gallbladder condition in which the organ’s mucosa is red, and dotted with cholesterol.

Gallstones – Caused by a defect in the composition of bile, stones will form in the gallbladder.

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Gout – If you have gout, you’ve got too much uric acid in your blood. Your joints, especially in the big toes will have painful inflammation.

Hemorrhage – Bleeding externally or internally, depending on the severity of the damage. You could bleed anywhere from 15% to 40% of your blood volume, and it’s still hemorrhaging. Be careful that you don’t drive anywhere if you’re bleeding too much.

Hepatitis – Simply put, hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. Viral hepatitis is categorized in types; type A or MS-1 and type B, MS-2 or serum hepatitis. Type A is transmitted by intestinal and oral routes. Type B is supposedly transmitted sexually.

Hypoglycemia – This is a condition that affects many people today. Hypoglycemia is when your blood sugar levels are low. You’re not eating enough sweet foods. The term, hypoglycemia means “under-sweet blood”.


Bacterial infections – Living microorganisms that invade the body are infections. You can have a clinical infection in which the infection is so severe that the body starts showing signs and symptoms of diseases. Focial infections are when those little bastard bugs are confined to one area. Inapparent infections are infections that show no signs or symptoms – also known as subclinical. Latent infections are when those little microorganisms can’t even be detected by modern methods – the infection can flare up from time to time under certain conditions. And finally, there is terminal infections in which the infection strikes at the end of a disease, typically resulting in death.

Insomnia – Simply put, if for whatever reason you just can’t fall asleep or stay asleep, you’re suffering from insomnia.


Jaundice – This disease is also called, icterus. You know you have it if every part of your body turns yellow. You really don’t want me to get into all of the symptoms and describe this terrible disease in detail.

Kidney infections – Kidneys are the bean-shaped organs used to regulate acid-based concentrations and water balances in the tissues. But this significant organ can be host to any number of diseases or disorders. Problems include scarred kidney tissue, degeneration, abnormally placed kidneys, floating kidneys, stones, and blood deficient kidneys.

Living microorganisms that invade the body are infections. You can have a clinical infection in which the infection is so severe that the body starts showing signs and symptoms of diseases. Focial infections are when those little bastard bugs are confined to one area. Inapparent infections are infections that show no signs or symptoms – also known as subclinical. Latent infections are when those little microorganisms can’t even be detected by modern methods – the infection can flare up from time to time under certain conditions. And finally, there is terminal infections in which the infection strikes at the end of a disease, typically resulting in death.

Lethargy – Simply put, if you’re feeling tired or drowsy, that’s lethargy.

Liver disorders – The liver is a mult-purpose and extremely helpful organ, but it can be host to a number of diseases and disorders; such as, Hepatitis or inflammation of the liver, Cirrhosis or the formation of fibrous tissue inside the liver, Gilbert’s syndrome or the genetic disorder of the bilirubin metabolism, and Glycogen storage disease II which leads to progressive muscle weakness.

Disorders are simply disturbances of function or health. There are many different kinds of disorders, including affective disorder, autosomal dominant or recessive disorder, personality disorders, character disorders, genetic disorders, and sleep disorders.

Stimulates metabolism –

Pancreas – The soft gland located behind the stomach, the pancreas helps in the digestion of food, and produces such hormones as insulin and glucagon, regulating the blood sugar levels in the bloodstream.

PMS – Also called, “PMT” (Premenstrual Tension), PMS or premenstrual syndrome is an emotional, psychological, and physical symptom of a woman’s menstrual cycle. This can lead to depression, mood swings, and bloating and weight gain from water retention.

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Psoriasis – A disease in which the skin will become reddish and scaly – in small patches or large patches, Psoriasis is infectious and can spread to cover a great portion of the human body. This can be confused with leprosy. The skin appears sickly, but it’s not as much lethal as it is a pain in the butt. Regardless, it’s not something I would want growing over my body.

Rheumatism – A term that best describes disorders of the heart, bones, joints, kidneys, and lungs. A symptom of Rheumatism is back pain.

Scurvy – It’s a deficiency disease, caused by a Vitamin C deficiency. Scurvy can cause you to bleed out every mucous membrane, from your mouth to your genitals. Liver spots, and spungy gums also signs of scurvy.

Senility – A condition in which the body and mind is deteriorating, causing such problems as dementia. It’s mostly common in the elderly.

Skin eruptions

Skin problems

Sores – An open skin legion of many different types and origins, including bed sores, canker sores, cold sores and pressure sores.

Spleen – This vascular organ that sits over your stomach and under a lung specializes in filtering blood. But every so often, your spleen can be host to any number of deficiencies and diseases; for instance, sago is a condition in which the spleen contains amyloid deposits.



Ulcers – You can get ulcers just about anywhere on your body. Ulcers are open sores of the skin, eyes or mucous membranes. They can leave your skin looking like the surface of some dead, alien planet. It’s really not something you’ll ever want to see.


Warts – There several kinds. One is a small, horny outgrowth on the skin, usually caused from a viral origin. Also, we’re talking about a cauliflower or a solid blister forming somewhere on your body. Think of genital warts. Squirming yet? That’s how I was feeling when I researched some of this stuff.

Water retention – The act of holding onto water in the stomach or other places of the body.

Weight loss

Yeast infections – Also known as thrush and candidiasis, yeast infections are fungal infections commonly associated with the genital area of both men and women. This can cause excessive itching. It’s a member of the Candida species in which Candida albicans are also found. A yeast infection can be caused by low hygiene. So, keep yourselves clean or this bug will drive you mad.

Herbal First Aide

No home should be without this recipe for an herbal first aide kit.

You must have Aloe Vera. The gel from the plant’s leaves will help in relieving pain, and healing burns and cuts. Believe me, I know this works.

Also, you should have Arnica. Another healing gel that will take the blue out of bruises.

Take Calendula. When taken as a tea, this dry leaf will help clean cuts.

For indigestion, anxiety and insomnia, take some Chamomile in tea form.

You should most definitely take Echinachea if you want to treat the flu or the common cold.

Gingerroot is great for relaxing the stomach, killing nausea, and putting an end to motion sickness.

Keep a bottle of Witch Hazel handy to stop infections, and heal minor burns and rashes.

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Herbal Resources

The Herb Book by John Lust
The Prescription for Nutritional Healing by Phyllis Balch
Back to Eden, 2nd Revised Edition by Jethro Kloss & Promise K. Moffet
Children’s Herbal Health by Deanne Tenney
Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook by James Duke, Ph.D
Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine by Michael Nurray, N.D.
Herbally Yours by Penny C. Royal
A Modern Herbal by Mrs. Grieve
Desk Reference to Nature’s Medicine by Steven Foster and Rebecca L. Johnson