Articles for tag: Box Turtle, Dandelion Greens, Finicky Eaters, Vitamin a Deficiency

Karla News

Vitamin A Deficiency in Pet Box Turtles

Hypovitaminosis A, a vitamin A deficiency common in captive box turtles, endangers healthy hibernation patterns. Since turtles eat a frequently unbalanced diet, it is up to the pet owner to supervise the nutritional intake. Would you know what to look for? Does My Box Turtle Suffer from Hypovitaminosis A? Swollen eyelids are a telltale sign ...

Karla News

The Healthiest Fruits & Vegetables

Ever heard the saying ” you are what you eat”? Most of us probably have but few of us actually head this amazing advice. The food we put into our bodies has a tremendous effect on how well or poor our bodies function. The following list will point out a handful of the really great ...

Karla News

Caring for a Pet Green Iguana

Almost all problems related to keeping a green iguana as a pet result from either improper feeding, lighting or caging. Of all the reptiles kept as pets the green iguana is one of the most favored. The green iguana loves eating leaves and basking in hot temperatures. They are vegetarians and do not eat insects ...

Karla News

Foods for a Healthy Bearded Dragon

The bearded dragon is one of the most popular reptiles to be kept as a pet. This animal is unaggressive and relatively easy to care for. One of the most important aspects of bearded dragon care is the animal’s diet. Bearded dragons have a somewhat varied diet and being omnivorous they eat both meat and ...

Karla News

How to Feed Red Eared Slider Turtles

Feeding Red Eared Slider Turtles begins with understanding that they are omnivores. Omnivores are animals that eat a diet of both meat and plants. But, they must be fed correctly to remain healthy. Young red eared sliders have a different diet, they need to be fed more protein while adult red eared sliders need to ...

Homemade Treatments for Water Retention (Edema)

The human body is made up of 75% water. Water is so vital to our health, that, we can only live about three days without it. However, too much water stored inside our bodies can be detrimental to our health as well. The common symptoms of water retention are a distended stomach, bloated legs and ...

Karla News

Dandelions: Uses in Food, Wine, and Herbal Medicine

Before you curse these so-called weeds in your garden, consider how you can put them to use in your kitchen. Dandelions are useful in food, homemade wine, and herbal medicines. The bright yellow blossom of the dandelion, its milky stem, its leafy greens, and even its root all possess special qualities that make the hardy ...

Karla News

Health Benefits of Dandelions

Dandelion (Taraxicum officinale) is one of the most widely recognized wild herbs. Nearly everyone is familiar with the sunny yellow flowers and delicate white puffballs of seeds known as dandelion clocks. Unfortunately, the medicinal value of dandelions is not so well known, and these beneficial plants are often sprayed with herbicides by people who want ...