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Dairy Milk Substitutes: Lactose-free Alternatives

Almond Milk Benefits, Lactose Free, Lactose Intolerant, What is Almond Milk

If you are lactose intolerant of have allergies to milk or dairy, then you likely already know about a few dairy substitutes and alternatives, such as soy milk. But there are quite a few other substitutes for milk and dairy products available on the market that you may be interested in, and each one has different benefits and nutritious qualities.

The price of milk is also slowly but steadily rising, so if you are simply seeking an alternative to milk and other dairy products, you may want to consider some other alternatives, such as almond milk, oat milk, rice milk, and others.

Soy Milk
Soy Milk is currently the most popular and well-known alternative to dairy milk, thanks to extensive advertising and the many supermarkets and groceries that now carry the dairy substitute.

Produced from soybeans that have been ground and mixed with water and a sweetener, soy milk is ideal for anyone who is lactose intolerant or has other allergies to dairy, as well as vegetarians and others looking to lead a healthier lifestyle. Like dairy milk, soy milk can be purchased in different varieties and flavors, and can substitute for milk in various recipes as well, such as soups and baked goods.

While soy milk may not possess the calcium and Vitamin D that can be found in dairy milk, it is an excellent source of thiamine and magnesium, among other essential minerals, and is low fat, low carb, low calorie, and a good source of protein and fiber.

More importantly, soy milk contains a number of compounds that are said to help greatly reduce the risk of cancer and other harmful diseases and afflictions. Studies are still being pursued to determine all the healthful benefits that can be found in soy milk.

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Rice Milk
Rice Milk is also a low calorie alternative that does happen to possess both Vitamin D and Calcium, and significantly less fat than soy milk. However, it is slightly higher in carbs and is lacking in protein and fiber.

Rice Milk can usually be found in health food stores and some supermarkets. It is made from brown rice, water and a sweetener, and like soy milk, is lactose-free and available in a number of varieties and flavors to suit your taste.

Almond Milk
As you have probably easily guessed, Almond Milk is made from almonds that have been ground and mixed with water and a sweetener. As such, this dairy alternative has a distinct yet subtle nutty flavor, but is also available in other flavors and varieties, and can be found fortified with essential vitamins and nutrients.

Almond milk is low in calories, carbs, and fat, and contains a small amount of protein. It is suggested that almond milk is an excellent addition to fruit smoothies or over cereal.

Oat Milk
Oat milk is made from primarily from oats and a small variety of other grains, such as rice, soybeans and barley. Like almond milk, oat milk can be purchased in different varieties and fortified with essential vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy diet. Oat Milk is also low fat, but does contain a fair amount of calories and carbs, though it has a slightly higher amount of protein when compared to almond milk.

Additionally, Multi-grain milk varieties are also available, and can be made from any number of different grains, and so will have different healthy attributes depending upon the manufacturer, but are usually higher in carbs.