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Couvade Syndrome: Sympathetic Pregnancy Symptoms in Men

Estradiol, Pregnancy Symptoms, Prolactin, Sympathetic

Many men undergo and experience changes in outlook or thoughts as their partner blooms into pregnancy. This type of compassion and thoughtful concern make expectant fathers more in tune to their partners transformation. However, for some men sympathy symptoms also emerge with these changing attitudes and worries. For men who suffer with Couvade Syndrome or sympathetic pregnancy, this type of concern and empathy can take on a whole new meaning and leave them feeling like a pregnant man.

It is believed that occurrences of Couvade Syndrome or sympathetic pregnancy could be as high as eleven to sixty five percent for expecting fathers. Couvade Syndrome can appear early in pregnancy around the later end of the first trimester causing symptoms of nausea and morning sickness right along with the pregnant partner.

Additional Symptoms of Couvade Syndrome or sympathetic pregnancies go far beyond morning sickness. Many men will gain weight right along with their partner and suffer with the same heartburn and fatigue. Other symptoms of Couvade Syndrome or sympathetic pregnancy may include bowels changes and cravings similar to their pregnant partners. Further complaints by those affected with Couvade Syndrome include headaches, abdominal cramps and changes in sexual desire.

Couvade Syndrome was first thought to be purely psychosomatic and caused by different factors such as a deep empathy for the significant other or anxiety and worry over the impending birth. Other causes considered for Couvade Syndrome or sympathetic pregnancy are jealousy about not being physically able to carry a child. Additionally, guilt issues because of their contribution to the pregnancy and to their partners discomfort have been examined as a possible trigger.

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Views concerning this condition and its causes are being questioned and researched. According to Science Daily, a Canadian study points to hormonal changes as a possibly cause for Couvade Syndrome. Researchers at Queens University in Ontario Canada found elevated levels of the hormone estradiol and lower levels of testosterone and cortisol in expectant dads through saliva tests. The hormone estradiol is connected with motherly feelings and usually found to be in low levels in men. Dr. Wynne-Edwards, with the Department of Biology at Queen’s University, feels these findings suggest that expectant dads undergo hormonal changes right alongside their partners when facing fatherhood.

These results support a previous study from professor of psychology, Dr. Anne Storey at Memorial University. Dr. Storey found similar changes in hormone levels of men with the addition of prolactin. Prolactin is a female hormone that is linked with motherly feelings, as well as the production of milk in women.

Symptoms associated with Couvade Syndrome or sympathetic pregnancy resolve when the significant other or partner gives birth. Until then, good suggestions for someone experiencing sympathetic pregnancy symptoms would be to become more involved. A more proactive role in pregnancy issues and experiences may establish their role and purpose. It is also important to be open with their partner about feelings and worries concerning the birth and future. If symptoms of Couvade Syndrome become overly bothersome, consult with a doctor for advice and support. Remember, pregnancy is full of changes on many levels and these extend to expectant fathers as well.

Resources include:

Feeling Her Pain : The Male Pregnancy Experience, By Michael Polinski

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Study Finds Changes In Hormone Levels In Men Who Become Fathers


Couvade – The Modern World
