Articles for tag: Rsd, Sympathetic

How I was Treated for Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy

Saturday began just like all the ones before. It was a beautiful sunny day in early May. As a college student, coursework and life kept me extremely busy. Though we didn’t spend much time together during the week, Shane and I enjoyed having tea at, “The Coffee Beanery” every Saturday. We treasured the time because ...

What is Sympathetic Ophthalmia?

Although he was a star hockey player during his college years, John didn’t make the pros. He moved his trophies into the family room of the townhouse he and his wife Elaine bought soon after their marriage and knocked around a puck with a few friends from time to time. At the age of 26, ...

Karla News

7 Myths About Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

The lack of awareness about Complex Regional Pain Syndrome has led to many myths. These myths can hurt the perception of CRPS that other people have. Here are seven myths about CRPS and the facts to dispel them. Myth #1: CRPS is a rare/new disorder. Fact: CRPS has been around for approximately 145 years. Doctor ...

Karla News

What is RSD – Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy

There is a condition that affects hundreds of thousands of Americans after surgery and traumatic injuries, but not many doctors know about it. It causes patients to suffer with excruciating pain that is hard to cope with, and if not treated it can cause long term damage. The condition I am speaking of is called ...

Couvade Syndrome: Sympathetic Pregnancy Symptoms in Men

Many men undergo and experience changes in outlook or thoughts as their partner blooms into pregnancy. This type of compassion and thoughtful concern make expectant fathers more in tune to their partners transformation. However, for some men sympathy symptoms also emerge with these changing attitudes and worries. For men who suffer with Couvade Syndrome or ...

Karla News

What Causes Goosebumps?

Why do we get goosebumps (or goose flesh)? Don’t worry about finding out the answer it won’t give you gooosebumps. First, let’s look at how the body makes goosebumps. The process to make goosebumps starts in the sympathetic nervous system (which we can’t consciously control). The sympathetic nervous system picks up on things we may ...

Karla News

Blood Pressure Medications

Blood pressure medications come in many different forms and types. Each type performs a certain function in the body and work differently for different people. This article will discuss the different types of blood pressure medications and how they work as well as the differences in them. High blood pressure (or Hypertension) is manageable. Read ...