Articles for tag: Lesions, Prolactin

Karla News

What is Intermittent IV-MP? Treatment for Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Patients?

To date, the use of intravenous methylprednisolone has been the standard procedure for treating RR-MS. If it can alleviate the symptoms during episodes seen in multiple sclerosis patients, then it’s only logical to suggest that intermittent doses of intravenous methylprednisolone would decrease the severity of symptoms AND prevent future episodes in remitting relapsing MS. However, ...

Breastfeeding? Yes, You Can Still Get Pregnant

Even though I told him I would be breastfeeding, I think I received the contraception speech from my doctor a dozen times before I was discharged from the hospital. The mantra of “you can get pregnant while breastfeeding” reigned. I got the point, not that I cared, after have a 9-pound baby sex was about ...

Do Herbs for Hot Flashes Really Work?

The use of herbs for hot flashes has been around for centuries. Yet it seems like we still know very little about what they do or how they work. Part of the reason is that every woman’s body is different and what works for one woman may not work well for another. That being said, ...

Late Periods: Causes and When to Worry

Can a late period be a sign of cancer? Are late periods really worrying you? Menstruation normally occurs every 21 to 35 days. After 35 days is a truly late period, and your worry is understandable. An occasional late period may start between 36 and 40-something days after the start of the last menstrual cycle. ...

Karla News

Pituitary Tumor (Adenoma) – Complications

Revealing symptoms to my Family Physician, he had my blood checked. The results came back: excess prolactin. He diagnosed this as probably a prolactinoma pituitary tumor (non-cancerous) and set an appointment for me to have an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). That test verified I had a macroadenoma pituitary tumor. I was referred to an endocrinologist. ...

Mother’s Milk Tea Side Effects and Risks

The supplement manufacturer Traditional Medicinals manufactures Mothers’ Milk tea, a bittersweet-tasting tea designed to improve breast milk production in lactating mothers. Mother’s Milk can be highly effective; it works by increasing levels of lactation-related hormones including prolactin and progesterone. The herbs in Mother’s Milk tea include fennel, aniseed, coriander, fenugreek and blessed thistle. When used ...

Couvade Syndrome: Sympathetic Pregnancy Symptoms in Men

Many men undergo and experience changes in outlook or thoughts as their partner blooms into pregnancy. This type of compassion and thoughtful concern make expectant fathers more in tune to their partners transformation. However, for some men sympathy symptoms also emerge with these changing attitudes and worries. For men who suffer with Couvade Syndrome or ...

Review of Vitex = a Beneficial Herbal Supplement for Women

Vitex, also known as chasteberry, vitex agnus-castus or Monks Pepper, is one of the best herbs for balancing female hormones. It regulates menstrual cycles as well as relieves symptoms such as headaches, mood swings, PMS, cramping, acne, breast tenderness, water retention, depression and constipation. It can help to relieve many female hormonal issues, is easy ...