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Commack Multiplex Cinemas, in Long Island, NY: Is it Haunted????

Cheap Snacks

Now before I mention the obbily gobbily goblins that roam the theater, I figured I would review the actual theater first.

Commack Multiplex Cinemas is located on Long Island, in Commack, 100 Long Island Avenue, its a pretty larger theater with a total of 15 movie rooms, and enough seating to accommodate almost all of Long Island.

The few times I have been there I was surprised by their nice open waiting room area where kids could play a small selection of arcade games and carnival type games. In this room there is also the snack booth where you can fill up your fat belly with the usual movie goer goods. Candy, soda, popcorn, hot dogs, corn chips and cheese. The prices are higher than the usual prices you would pay for this junk, but seeing how it’s the movies one is always bound to find their way up to the snack booth. (Not me though, I sneak in my cheap snacks in my bag).

The last time we went to this theater, and probably the last time we will go was for Benchwarmers. Yep it’s been awhile, and here’s why.

Each and every time we go we are disappointed by the rude people in the audience, those who keep talking, laughing, and some who have seen Te movie who come to the theater just to spoil the ending by screaming it out for everyone to hear. Yay fun. The time before we had gone to see The Ring 2, and some idiot people thought it would be a good idea to bring their 4 year old daughter along. You all don’t need a description of how that went…but let me say, tears, and ear piercing screams. You’d think these pieces of crap would leave with their child who was scared half to death; but no, they continued watching as if she was invisible.

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Aside from the huge majority of rude people, the theater itself is filthy. Don’t let the lovely waiting/snack area fool you. When you first go into the room your flick is showing on the lights will be dim. So dim that you are unaware of all of the garbage, gum, and crap stuck to the floors. You really need to strain your eyes or you could end up sitting in a pile of gum, fun fun.

The floors are always sticky. Spilled drinks that haven’t gotten mopped in God knows how long. The place itself is air conditioned, but you can actually smell mold in mass quantities if you sit towards the back. Nar-sty!

The seats are standard flip up flip down seats. Nothing special about them, aside from their appearance, which gets a big fat zero. The seats are either stained with God knows what, soda? gum? cum? or vomit? If they are not stained they are torn up with bits of thread and foam hanging from them. Besides the awful seat, you also are accommodated with awful leg room. Going to a 4 hours Star Wars flick one wants to spread their digits out, if you spread em’ out here you end up accidentally kicking the seat in front of you. They turn around, give you a dirty look, and you feel like an idiot. However, fear not, their not the only ones getting kicked, you too will experience a high level of annoying kicks from the person behind you, and lord have mercy, if their is a child behind you they kick, and kick, and kick, and mom and dad, they just ignore, ignore, ignore. Uch, I love welfare trash!

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That’s pretty much what the whole place reminds me of. Trash. This includes the bathrooms that look like someone had a TP party. Toilet paper on floors, hanging out of toilet bowls, and in sinks. Besides that, expect to see tampons on the floor, pads, and other disgusting vaginal artifacts. I walked into this bathroom once and right back out. I probably could of got an STD just breathing in the humid tuna scented air. I know it gets busy on a Friday night, but crap, there is no reason the bathrooms should have looked like that!

Now, there is my review on the slimy place known as Commack Multiplex Cinemas. Now let me tell you that some people believe that the theater is haunted. I have researched this theater when looking to buy tickets online a few moons back, and was surprised to come across a bunch of sites claiming that Commack Multiplex Cinemas is haunted! BOO!

In all honesty the few times I had been there I never experienced one odd paranormal event. I wondered if the management or owner of the place made the whole thing up just to try and draw in crowds.

Supposedly doors open and slam by themselves, employee lockers open and close on their own, and brand new glass fixings on their snack booths end up with mysterious scratches in just days after purchasing them. HAH, this one makes me laugh out loud. You know how many short kids who wait on line with their parents rub their quarters back and forth on the glass while waiting for mom to place an order!? You have hundreds of people every night up at the snack booth, do they expect the glass to stay looking brand new for months? No. All it takes is on idiot with no respect for property…and trust me there are tons of idiots out there. Why they are shocked by this is beyond me.

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Lastly about the haunts, not a single employee has had any witness encounters with paranormal activity, yet this rumor of the Cinema being haunted goes around. So the question is, who started the rumor? For me, it’s obvious that the Cinema made it up themselves just to draw in crowds. Shady tactics to bring people to their slum cinema.

Based on a 1-10 rating, 1 being the lowest, 10 being the highest, I will rate the theater accordingly.

1. Theater waiting area – 9
2. Prices- 2
3. Seating- 1
4. Bathrooms- 1
5. Cleanliness- 1
6. Haunts- (none here) 1

I don’t plan on going back to this theater any time soon, I do not recommend it to anyone looking to have a nice time with the family. I don’t even recommend it if it is the only theater playing a certain movie. Those of you looking for ghosts, good luck, the jokes on you.