Articles for category: Humor

Karla News

My Little Love Pumpkin and Other Pet Names

Isn’t it interesting how we all come up with those unique little terms of endearment for our other halves? It’s not enough to call them by their given names. Where’s the romance in that? Doesn’t “Pooky Pants” have a much nicer ring to it than Bob or Sue? Calling someone by a pet name lets ...

Karla News

Top Ten Extreme Vacation Experiences recently ran an article in its travel section which revealed that you don’t have to be rich to vacation on a private island, “only” come up with a couple thousand dollars-or even less if you’re willing to rough it-to live on a secluded island somewhere. Amazing as this may sound, a number of other ...

Karla News

Psychic Predicts End of the World in the Year 2142

I’m no Nostradamus, but occasionally I do like to don my psychic hat, channel the spirits of dead rock stars, and predict the future. It’s a big hit at parties and a lot of fun to do. Usually the rock star spirits are full of fun and games — as rock stars usually are –but ...

Karla News

Top 10 Democratic Presidential Candidates for 2008

With the recently announcements that Senator Hilary Rodham-Clinton, Former Senator John R Edwards and Senator Barrack Obama would be throwing their collective hats into the ring for the Democratic Presidential Candidacy I stopped to take stock of the situation. So often there are those of us that are on the bubble when it comes to ...

Karla News

Weird Holidays for the Month of November

Everyone in America is well aware of Thanksgiving which takes place in November; but did you know that for the entire month there is a holiday for each and every day? Why not celebrate all month long with these interesting and weird holidays!? On November 1st were are all to ‘plan your Epitaph day’. Okay ...

Karla News

Funny Brunette Jokes for Adult Folks

Whereas blondes are characterized as dumb and redheads as fiery, brunettes, the Plain Jane sisterhood, are often thought of as the ordinary. They get, therefore, less attention in the humor universe. Still, jokes abound for those who seek them out. Here is a selection of such brunette jokes from my 30 year collection of humor. ...

Karla News

April Fools Day Computer Pranks

April Fools Day pranks have long been a tradition for adults and kids alike. Some April Fools Day pranks are as simple and harmless as mentioning a nonexistent stain on a shirt all the way up to elaborate devious pranks that border on cruel and unusual. A popular television show that sets up complex pranks ...

Karla News

Dictionary of Car Sales Jargon

I have been battling the car sales wars–sparring with car salespeople, trying as we all do to get the most car possible for the lest amount of money. To be fair, I sold cars for 11 months, so I know it’s a tough way to make a living, especially in the current economy. I didn’t ...

Karla News

Boy’s Dorm Survival Guide

A boy’s dorm is a dangerous place, what with the high levels of testosterone running its halls. Younger, less experienced boys need help increasing their survival chances in this home-away-from-home, so they won’t suffer from a “swirly,” which is when someone puts your head in a toilet and then flushes. I’m guessing there are many ...