Articles for category: Food & Wine

Karla News

How to Make Perfect Bite-Sized Nachos Using Math as Your Guide

Who can resist nachos? How these delightful delicacies came about is anybody’s guess, but they are not only the perfect party food – they are also the perfect comfort food. This is one recipe I will be trying very very soon myself. Everybody has their own recipe for nachos. It’s a commonly known fact that ...

Karla News

The Best Apples for Apple Pie

Although you have probably heard the saying, ” American as apple pie,” apple pies have been around longer than the declaration of independence. Recipes for apple pies have been recorded as early as the 13th century, though pre-16th century apple pies rarely contained sugar, which was a rare, expensive luxury. Apple pies are easy to ...

Karla News

Tomato Facts and Trivia

Tomato juice is the official state beverage of Ohio. Arkansas’ official state vegetable is the vine ripe pink tomato (of South Arkansas). There are at least 10,000 varieties of tomatoes (from the small marble-sized cherry one to the Ponderosa, which can weigh over three pounds). The jelly-like substance around the seeds contains the highest concentration ...

Karla News

Favorite All-American Hot Dog Recipes

Hot dogs are an American classic from coast to coast. What makes them popular is that they are simple to make, just toss them on the grill for a on in a pan of boiling water until they are heated through. Hot dogs are the perfect portable food for beach side barbeques, camping, or tailgate ...

Karla News

Franzia: Good, Affordable Dinner Wine for a Crowd

If you’re looking for a review for a high-end, specialty boutique wine, you should move on now before I offend you. If you want a good quality, highly affordable, good tasting red wine, this is the place for you. Let’s get this out of the way now. I’m talking about wine in a box. Yes, ...

Karla News

Bulgur Wheat: A Healthy Whole Grain

I’m a runner and I love to eat. I also love to cook. This combination, for me, means I look for healthy recipes and cooking techniques. I also don’t want to break the bank, so I look for budget-friendly ingredients. One day I was in the bulk foods section of Whole Foods Market reaching for ...

Karla News

Ice Tea Makers

Ice tea makers come in different brands and sizes. They are all very simple to use if you follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. You have a choice of whether you want to use tea bags or loose tea leaves. If you use the loose tea you will need to buy coffee filters for your machine. It ...

Karla News

Dolly Madison Zingers vs. Hostess Twinkies

While at a newsstand in downtown Hartford, Connecticut last week, I happened to notice a new display rack filled with various types of snack cakes. Many of the snack items were Dolly Madison brand products, which are always very tasty. When I saw that Dolly Madison Zingers were among the items on display, I decided ...

Karla News

How to Use Grandma’s Vintage Egg Poacher

Poaching is a method of cooking fragile foods such as eggs, fruits, chicken or seafood in a gently simmering liquid. This simple process keeps the food from drying out, and is a low calorie and healthy alternative to frying. Back in high school home economics, we were taught to poach eggs by cracking the egg ...