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Magnesium for Migraines

Magnesium, White Willow Bark

The worst headache I have ever suffered from was a migraine headache. Now I seem to get them 3 or 4 times a year. One of the supplements I use to help keep them under control is magnesium.

The reason I use magnesium to help keep my migraines under control is because magnesium helps stabilize the blood vessels in the body and importantly the head which helps prevent headaches of any kind from happening. Magnesium is also an important mineral our body needs to help the nerves and muscles in our body to function properly and to keep our bones from becoming brittle and weak. When our muscles and nerves are all tensed up and not working properly we begin to feel pain and sometimes that is what can trigger a migraine. Migraines also occur when the body lacks magnesium. Sometimes are bodies lack magnesium because certain medicines, foods, and beverages we take lower the levels of magnesium in our bodies.

Some of the best natural ways to get the mineral magnesium into your bodies to help prevent migraines is by eating foods rich in magnesium. Some magnesium rich foods would be leaf greens , romaine lettuce, whole grains, soy, and fish. If you don’t feel you get enough of these types of foods into your diet to get the proper amount of magnesium in you to help prevent a migraine magnesium supplements can be taken. However, you can’t just go out an buy any kind of magnesium supplement you want and take it because there are several different kinds out there. The two most common types of magnesium that are used to treat and help prevent migraine headaches are magnesium oxide and citrate. Magnesium supplements can be found at local drugstores in the supplement sections.

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Now before you go start taking magnesium supplements to help treat and prevent your migraines you should talk to your doctor. Your doctor will be able to tell you is the magnesium supplements are worth taken and at what dosage. Sometimes your doctor may even tell you, you don’t need any magnesium supplement at all and your body is lacking another possible mineral that is needed to help stop the migraines. However, if your doctor says taking the magnesium supplements will help keep in mind you aren’t going to notice a huge difference taking them until you have been on them for a couple of months and the magnesium gets into your system better.

Some other things you can do along with taken magnesium supplements to help prevent migraines is find out what foods and drinks trigger your migraines. I know my migraines are triggered my caffeine and MSG. Yours might be triggered by chocolate, a piece of fruit, or a preservative in the food you are eating. Sometimes weather can cause migraines as well. I know right before a really bad storm is coming I get terrible migraine headaches. You may also want to look into herbal remedies as well if you can’t take magnesium because there are several herbal remedies out there that help prevent and treat migraine headaches such as fever few, skullcap, ginger, and white willow bark.

Anyways, I hope this little bit of information helps those of you suffering with migraines find some relief from them. I know taking magnesium supplements each day has helped my out greatly and has relieved the severity of the migraines so I can handle them better when I do get them. I hope those of you who take the magnesium supplements as well are able to find some relief.