Articles for tag: Migraine Symptoms, Migraine Triggers

Karla News

How Long Does a Migraine Last?

Migraines can last from one hour to a few weeks. Some victims have chronic migraines, which never completely go away. Those victims suffer more from cycles of intensification and recession of pain, but rarely ever feel “normal”. However, most migraineurs (people with migraines) do not have chronic migraines. They have periodic attacks where the pain ...

Migraine Tips and Tricks

Migraine headaches can be a debilitating illness. The headaches are often severely painful and can last for several days. With this kind of pain, migraine headaches can often affect every day life. Some people lose their jobs because they’re unable to work some days due to the headaches. Since this can be such an issue, ...

Karla News

Migraine Triggers for Teens

Migraines are headaches that are accompanied by severe pounding, often nausea and sensitivity to different stimuli, like bright lights and strong smells. These headaches often last for days at a time. Migraines can affect people of all ages, including children and teens. Some people can sense when a migraine is imminent because they see hazy ...

Karla News

Foods that Can Trigger Migraine Headaches

I have had migraine headaches since I began having periods, which was a long time ago now. They have always predictably come sometime during the week of my period, and so the hormonal connection has always been glaringly apparent. I do know that I have a couple of other triggers–certain environmental things to which I ...

Karla News

Migraine Headaches and Barometric Pressure

I am a frequent sufferer of debilitating migraine headaches. Those of you out there who understand what I mean when I say “debilitating migraine” will most likely also understand what I am saying when I report that I, with a lot of help from my husband, go to great lengths to track circumstances around the ...

Karla News

Migraine Headache Triggers

Migraine headaches can be extremely painful and debilitating for those who suffer from them and can even trigger seizures in some instances. In economic terms, it is estimated that migraines cost employers roughly $3,000 per migraine sufferer in terms of lost productivity. As anyone who suffers from migraines knows, preventing the onset of a headache ...