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Treat Bronchitis with Vitamins and Over the Counter Products

Acute Bronchitis, Bronchitis, Chronic Bronchitis, Pantothenic Acid

Bronchitis is often an acute infection of the air passages starting in the nose and extending to the bronchioles. Occasionally the first symptom is hoarseness. It may be mistaken for a common cold that has settled in the chest. Nearly always a persistent cough develops and mucus is nearly always coughed up.

It occurs more often among city dwellers that rural residents and about 4 times more often in men than women. Bronchitis sufferers should always be checked for tuberculosis just in case it is masking the symptoms of the more serious disease.

Acute bronchitis develops after a sore throat or cold and can last for one or two weeks and is usually caused by viruses. Antibodies only work against bacteria and not viruses so your physician will not prescribe an antibiotic. The symptoms include a throbbing cough, runny nose, wheezing, sore throat, headaches, chills, slight fever, back pain, and muscle pain. Repeated acute bronchitis attacks can lead to chronic bronchitis.

Unlike acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitis is an ongoing, serious disease that can last the rest of you life. Air pollution, dust, or toxic gasses in the environment or workplace can contribute to bronchitis. In some cases, chronic inflammation of the airways leads to asthma.

Occupational bronchitis can occur if exposed to certain lung irritants, such as flax, hemp or cotton dust, and chemical fumes. Occupational bronchitis usually clears up when you are no longer exposed to the irritants and the cough associated with occupational bronchitis is usually dry and nonproductive.

Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with the disease of bronchitis such as Vitamin C, Beta Carotene, Vitamin E, Pantothenic Acid, Glucosamine, Vitamin A, Antioxidants, and Allergy Aid.

See also  Natural Allergy Remedies

Vitamin C is nature’s protective nutrient, essential for defending the body against pollution and infection and enhances the bodies immune system.

Beta Carotene protects the mucus membranes of the mouth, nose, throat and lungs. It also helps protect Vitamin C from oxidation, which enables it to perform at optimum efficiency.

Vitamin E protects the lung tissue from inhaled pollutants and aids in the functioning of the immune system.

Many find pantothenic Acid to be very helpful against bronchitis symptoms. It is another form of non toxic B vitamins.

Glucosamine is an anti-inflammatory and may give some relief from bronchitis symptoms.

A number of studies have suggested that taking antioxidants such a Vitamin A reduces the risk of bronchoconstriction . Vitamin A is stored in the liver and fat cells of the human body and can reach toxic levels. DO NOT take more than the recommended dosage of Vitamin A.

Allergy Aid supplies 9 beneficial Herb’s to help provide temporary relief of respiratory allergies. The natural action of these specific Herb’s help to open bronchial tubes and ease breathing.

Natural antioxidants are abundant in fruits and vegetables such as, apples, blueberries, broccoli, cherries, cranberries, grapes, spinach, and Spirulina a blue-green algae.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and not to be construed as medical advice.
