Articles for tag: Chronic Bronchitis, Chronic Cough, Respiratory Infections

Karla News

Five Causes of Chronic Cough

People cough after smoking, mowing a lawn, breathing in smoke from a campfire or barbeque, recovering from cold and more. These coughs rarely last more than a few days. A cough that lasts for eight weeks or more is considered chronic. Your doctor should see any cough that wakes you up at night, produces blood ...

Reduce Lung Damage from Emphysema and Chronic Bronchitis

Instead of suing cigarette companies because you have developed emphysema or chronic bronchitis from years of smoking, try focusing your efforts on how to reduce the damage done to your lungs with alternative treatments. These alternative treatments can prevent or reduce the use of drugs to control the diseases, not to mention the side effects ...

Causes of Bronchitis

Although bronchitis is a common health problem, many of us may not know what causes it. Since I always end a cold with a dry cough, I decided to do some research to find out what causes my cough. I learned that a cough can be caused by bronchitis. As I read on, I realized ...

What Makes Bronchitis Contagious?

All forms of bronchitis are not contagious. What makes it contagious can be clear if we learn about the basic issues concerning chronic and acute bronchitis progression. Chronic bronchitis is the inflammation of mucosal membranes and bronchial tubes. Excessive mucus is produced as response of bronchial infection and irritation. This excess mucus reduces the amount ...

The Different Types of Bronchitis

Bronchitis is a condition where the airways leading from your mouth to your lungs become inflamed. These airways are known as be bronchi. There are two major subtypes of bronchitis; acute bronchitis, and chronic bronchitis. Despite the similarities in their names and symptoms, the causes of acute and chronic bronchitis are somewhat different. Most cases ...