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Cellulite: Is there help?

Picture this scenario. You were good all winter and worked hard to stay in shape. You resisted desserts, at least some of them. You bravely shimmy into your new bikini and proudly turn to view yourself in the mirror. There it is'”cellulite. Ugly patches of lumpy skin distorting the smoothness of your legs, thighs and buttocks. Is there help?

What is cellulite?

So what does cellulite look like? Chances are if you do not know, you do not have it. Cellulite appears when fat unevenly collects under the deeper layers of the skin and the connective tissues. Want to know for sure? Gather up a small section of your skin on your thigh or leg between using the thumb and forefinger. If you see lumps under the skin, you have it. This skin condition is not contagious and will not make you sick.

So who gets it? Mostly girls and women get cellulite but some men can too. These factors may also make you more susceptible to cellulite.

Genetics: Yep, if Mom has it you probably will too.

Your BMI: Your body fat percentage matters when it comes to the severity of cellulite. However, even skinny gals can develop cellulite.

Your age: Ahh…another advantage of getting older.

Skin thickness: Thin-skinned folks are more likely to get this wiggly-jiggly condition.

Stress: A stressful, anxious life takes another toll on the body.

Lack of exercise: You need good circulation to fight cellulite.

Taking hormones: Hormone replacement therapy may increase your chances.

So what to do?

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After the shock and crying is over, get to work. There is no real “cure” but you can diminish the appearance of the unattractive lumps on your body.


This plastic surgery procedure literally sucks the fat out of the skin. According to some it can be painful, expensive and not always 100% effective. Liposuction may need to be repeated.

Massage treatments

A good way to reduce some of the unevenness is to massage the affected areas. Spas offer these kinds of treatments but you can do them at home too. Wet your legs in the shower and apply a thick body gel to your skin. Use a bristled fingernail brush to scrub the skin. This will increase the skin’s circulation and may loosen some of the fat under your skin. Rinse away the gel and apply a therapeutic oil-free moisturizer after you dry off.

Cellulite creams

Many companies offer wonder creams to treat “cottage cheese” legs but none have yet received FDA approval. Natural remedies like coffee grounds, sugar scrubs and aloe gel seem to deliver some good results. Do keep your skin lubricated after every shower too.

Start sweating

Exercise time! Bend and stretch, lunge and move. You need to get the blood flowing to banish bumps. Kick up your current exercise program a notch to fight fat deposits. Don’t have one? Now is the time to get moving. Even minimal walking may help.

Banish fatty foods

Studies show that consuming fat-filled foods contributes to this condition. Swap out the bad fats for good oils and stay away from fried foods. Animal fats and sweet treats also contribute to the chubby skin appearance. Removing fats from your diet will make your heart happy too. Eat more leafy green vegetables, citrus fruit and drink plenty of water.

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Cellulite is not the end of the world but it can make you self-conscious about your appearance. With a few lifestyle changes and better skin care you may reduce the appearance of this unsightly condition.

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