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Nivea Good-Bye Cellulite Gel Creme And Nivea Good-Bye Cellulite Patches

Carnitine, Cellulite, Nivea, The Tyra Banks Show, Tyra Banks Show

If you are battling the fight against cellulite, short of liposuction you are probably looking for solutions particularly with shorts and mini-skirt weather approaching. Cellulite is basically excess storage of fat, which lies in the deeper layers of skin beneath the actual connective tissue. This process causes the skin to lose elasticity resulting in dimpling. Recently a few new products have become available to consumers.

You might ask do any of these products really work? That is certainly a valid concern. This article will review the two new cellulite products by Nivea, Nivea Good-Bye Cellulite Gel Crème and Patches.

Recently on the Tyra Banks Show, several women who had used the Nivea Good-Bye Cellulite Gel Crème and Patches reported excellent results. Four women used the Nivea Good-Bye Cellulite Gel Crème and Patches for four weeks, and then report the results on the Tyra Banks Show. All four of the test subjects reported visible reduction of the actual appearance of cellulite. Test subjects that used the Nivea Good-Bye Cellulite Gel Crème and Patches reported improved skin tone and smoothness after 2 weeks as the first milestone. After four weeks, test subjects reported visible reduction of cellulite on the skin surface. You can view before and after pictures of the test subjects on the Nivea Web site.

So what is it about Nivea Good-Bye Cellulite Gel Crème and Patches that makes them work? Both products contain L-Carnitine a natural product of the skin, which has to do with our fat metabolism. L-Carnitine however is present in the skin naturally, but what Nivea has done with the Nivea Goody-Bye Cellulite Gel Creme and Patches is that they have uniquely made it available in the form of the crème and patches.

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The Nivea Good-Bye Cellulite Crème is sold in a 6.7-ounce container and retails for approximately $12.99. It is a lightweight smoothing gel-crème, which produces results within two weeks. Nivea Good-Bye Cellulite Crème is said to work well in reducing the appearance of cellulite on the thighs, stomach, and buttocks area.

The Nivea Good-Bye Cellulite Patches, which work equally as well as the crème product, are sold six to a package and retail for approximately $12.99. The patches are formulated to work by a continuous release of L-Carnitine. What is unique about the Nivea Good-Bye Cellulite Patches is that the user is allowed to target a specific area of treatment. The use of the patches shows improvement in reducing the appearance of cellulite after four weeks of use, where as after the third application skin appears smoother and more toned.

For more information on the Nivea Good-Bye Cellulite Patches and Nivea Good-Bye Cellulite Gel Crème visit the Nivea Web site or online retailers such as Drugstore, Walgreen’s, and CVS. Visit the Nivea Web site for a retailer in your region.
