Articles for tag: Plastic Surgery

Karla News

The Risk and Complications of Plastic Surgery

No surgical procedure is risk free, but fortunately, in the hands of a skilled surgeon, complications are seldom and usually correctable. Your plastic surgeon can and should do several things to reduce your chances of unwanted results. He or she will monitor you carefully to make sure you are physically and emotionally a good candidate ...

Karla News

Should You Go to Mexico for Plastic Surgery?

In the United States, plastic surgery of any sort is known to be very expensive. Many who are interested in having a plastic surgery procedure performed are unable to do so due to the high cost. If you really want to have a certain plastic surgery procedure, or any other type of procedure for the ...

Karla News

Six Ways to Pay for Plastic Surgery

Whether plastic surgery is purely cosmetic or is meant to provide certain health benefits, it’s always expensive. Since most health insurance providers won’t cover it, you’ll have to come up with the cash on your own. You should be aware that certain procedures — such as plastic surgery to repair a deformity — might be ...

Karla News

Eminem “Definitely” Had Plastic Surgery

When Eminem came back in 2009, he looked, well, a little different. People all over the internet were speculating why he looked different. He was older, he lost weight, he was off drugs, and that he had plastic surgery. Well, we spoke with one plastic surgeon who said that Eminem “definitely” had plastic surgery and ...

Karla News

Plastic Surgery Addiction – A Body Image Problem Within Our Society

Despite the prevalence of beautiful plus size models, and movements to boost self-esteem, many women and young girls are preoccupied with negative feelings about their body image. Moreover, with the onslaught of reality programs documenting plastic surgeries, some people rely on a knife to achieve their ideal appearance. Plastic or cosmetic surgery is not necessarily ...

Karla News

Low Self Esteem and Plastic Surgery in Today’s World

Plastic Surgery is a modern phenomenon with major implications. Though the art of altering ones body to be more socially accepted is something that has been going on since ancient times, only recently has the fad become truly medical and gained the ability to change almost any part of the outer body. There are major ...