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Wilderness Survival: How to Catch a Fish

Catching a fish in the wilderness can be easier said than completed. While your body is telling you that you need to eat, the fish may not be that willing. If you have a fishing pole and your tackle box, a meal will come easily, but without them, you will have to put more effort forth to obtain that delicious meal you have been working so hard for.

If you ever do become stranded in the wilderness, if there is a water source near you, fishing may be your best method of gaining a nutritious meal. Fish is an excellent source of protein and calories that will keep your body going. Not to mention, fish is incredible easy to cook and tastes great!

There are three main methods for catching fish. If you have the proper tools and go about the method correctly, each will provide you with a tasty meal. However, chances are that if you are stranded in the wilderness, you will not have the proper tools, so for this article I’m assuming you do not have a net, fishing pole, hook, bait or a spear.

The easiest way to catch a fish if you are stranded in the wilderness is to fashion a net of some sort to trap a fish in. Any material that will not hold water can be used for the net, and wood can be shaped to support the net. A simple method of making a fishing net needs only an article of clothing and some thin sticks. If you have light weight pants, I would use one of the legs to make a net. This way you only have to tie the bottom end of the pant leg, and tie the top onto the wood. Rip the top side of the pants into small strips that you can tie around the wood. You will have to find some thin twigs that you can bend into a circle. You can also tear some of your clothing to tie the twig together. Your shoe laces also can work great for this use.

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Once you have the fishing net completed, you can head to the water. An easy way to catch a fish is to find a shallow hole where fish may hide. Place the net into the water while you hang over the bank of the water. Hold perfectly still, and when you see a fish enter the net, and then you can swoop him up. This may take some patience and incredible endurance as you must hold still so the fish will enter the net.

The next wilderness fishing method is to fashion some sort of pole and hook. A simple stick will work for the pole, and a shoelace or two tied together will work for the line. To fashion a hook, you will need a sharp object that will catch in the fish’s mouth. If you do not have anything to make a hook, try to tie a worm on the line to bait the fish into your net.

If you have any metal object, preferably a pop can or tin can, you can try to shape a hook. You will need a knife sharp enough to cut through the tin. Try to shape some metal into a fishing hook. Stick the bait on (digging for worms is the simplest way to find bait), and head to the water. Again, you will need patience and be able to stay quiet and still so the fish will come to you.

The last method to catch a fish in the wilderness is by spearing. If you have a knife or other sharp object you can try to spear a fish. Find a long and strong stick. Tie the knife onto the edge very securely. You don’t want it to come off after you’ve stuck the fish, or to loose your precious knife to the water. Then you will need to enter the water and wait for the fish to come near you. Spearing requires skill and swift movement. Fish can swim very quickly, so you need to be perfectly still until the moment of spearing.

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Fish can be cooked in water, or directly on a fire. Cook the fish until the flesh easily flakes apart. Never eat the inside organs of a fish, but the flesh is tasty and will provide you with the necessary nourishment you need to survive.