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What Causes Subconjunctival Hemorrhage?

Causes of subconjunctival hemorrhage vary from rubbing of the eye to high blood pressure. Red spots on the white of the eye are known as subconjunctival hemorrhage. Subconjunctival hemorrhage is caused by blood vessels breaking under the surface of the eye. This surface is called the conjunctiva. The blood from a subconjunctival hemorrhage shows as red spots on the white of the eye because it’s trapped beneath the conjunctiva. Below are some causes of subconjunctival hemorrhage.

Sneezing Coughing and Vomiting

A subconjunctival hemorrhage might go unnoticed until you look in the mirror and see a red spot on the white of the eyes. There are often no other symptoms. A subconjunctival hemorrhage can be caused by something as mild as a cough or sneeze. Coughing, sneezing and vomiting can cause changes in pressure. These changes cause the delicate blood vessels in the eye to hemorrhage. This type of hemorrhage is usually not serious. It should go away on it’s own in a matter of weeks.

Eye Rubbing

Rubbing the eyes can cause subconjunctival hemorrhage. The initial injury may cause a slight amount of pain. This is especially true if the eyes are rubbed vigorously. Once again, there are normally no other symptoms involved aside from red spots on the whites of the eyes. Occasionally, there may be some feeling of initial discomfort from subconjunctival hemorrhage. The eye may feel larger or fuller because of the blood trapped under the conjunctiva.


Subconjunctival hemorrhage can be caused by injury to the eye. Although red spots on the whites of the eye caused by injury can look alarming they are normally not serious. Still, it is wise to consult a doctor when injuries to the eye occur. Subconjunctival hemorrhage itself is usually not cause for alarm and will go away on its own. There is a chance, however, that other injuries to the eye may have occurred at the same time.

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Note: Seek immediate medical attention for babies and young children with subconjunctival hemorrhage. This could be a sign of shaken baby syndrome.

High Blood Pressure

Subconjunctival hemorrhage can cause red spots on the whites of the eyes due to high blood pressure. When this occurs spontaneously and no reason can be found, consult a doctor. Your doctor can rule out high blood pressure or other diseases and conditions. Although the hemorrhage itself will go away on its own, the underlying cause may have to be treated. Always see a doctor when other symptoms are present aside from red spots on the whites of the eyes.

Please Note: The author is not a licensed medical professional. This article is for informational purposes only. Consult a doctor for diagnoses and treatment of subconjunctival hemorrhage.


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