Articles for tag: Eye Doctors, Ophthalmology, St. Louis University

Top Eye Doctors in St. Louis, Missouri

When you talk about top doctors in the St. Louis, Missouri area, one place usually comes to mind: Barnes-Jewish Hospital and the Washington University School of Medicine. Barnes-Jewish has earned a place on U.S. News and World Report’s Honor Roll of America’s Best Hospitals for the past 13 years. Barnes-Jewish is home to 15 specialties ...

Ommetaphobia: The Fear of Eyes

Almost everyone has a fear of something. Some of us have a fear of heights, some of us fear long words and some of us have fears that seem odd or unusual. Ommatophobia is the fear of eyes and it is a phobia I have personally been dealing with since I was around 9 years ...

Karla News

Opthamologist Database for Local Physicians

The opthamologist online resource is an excellent way to connect with a reliable eye doctor in your area. This complete listing provides contact information for physicians all across the US including: New York, Massachusetts, Georgia, Virginia, and Hawaii. Present potential disease and protect your health by routinely visiting your eye doctor. Routine visits with an ...

Karla News

LASIK eye surgery: What is it? How does it work? Is it safe?

LASIK is an acronym for Laser In-Situ Keratomileusis. I guess the people who invented it didn’t like the sound of LAISK surgery so they switched the “I” with the “S”. Despite the lack of acronym-making skills, their laser eye surgery procedure has been a godsend for hundreds of thousands around the world. There’s little argument ...

New Treatments for Eye Floaters

Eye Floater Treatments – At some point the most people have noticed that annoying little grey spot that obstructed their field of view at least once in their life. These little grey obstructions, called floaters, can be annoying and in some cases debilitating enough to cause people to see their eye doctor about them. There ...

Qualified Medical Expenses for Itemized Tax Deductions

If you’re going to itemize your tax deductions this year, you might want to include medical expenses, but how do you know which ones are qualified? The IRS imposes strict guidelines on claims for medical care, education, charitable donations and everything else under the sun. This article will provide you with guidelines for each time ...