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Ways to Soothe Your Cat’s Upset Stomach

Hairballs, Upset Stomach

Does your cat seem to have an upset stomach? If you notice a loss of appetite, weight loss, vomiting and diarrhea or constipation, your cat may be experiencing tummy troubles. First, check with your pet’s veterinarian for a proper diagnosis. Then he may recommend one or more of the following treatments.

Temporary Fasting

If your cat is still eating, but has the symptoms of an upset stomach, the vet may recommend a temporary fast for her. You will want to make sure the food itself is not giving your feline friend a tummy ache, of course – salmonella can be present even in pet foods. If you do not feel comfortable having your pet fast, you may prefer to give smaller portions of food several times a day until the problem has disappeared. A cat should not go more than 24 hours without food, even while fasting. A kitten should not go more than four hours without food.

Bland Foods

While commercial foods may have essential nutrients for your cat’s health, they may also have added chemicals that can cause an upset stomach. The vet might recommend a special diet that consists of bland foods, such as chicken and rice. You might also try a jar of baby food that contains meat (but no onions or garlic) – just make sure to ask your pet’s veterinarian first. Once the problem begins to diminish, you may slowly introduce her to the regular food again.

Grassy Greens

For some reason, cats seem to love eating grass, even though it usually makes them vomit. But this can be a good thing when you have a cat with tummy troubles; just make sure the chosen grass is safe for animal consumption. Check with your local pet store for grass that is safe for your cat to eat.

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Hairball Treatment

Hairballs can cause an upset stomach in cats. If your veterinarian determines hairballs are the cause of your pet’s tummy troubles, he may recommend a treatment to get rid of the problem. Another option is to rub petroleum jelly on your cat’s paws; when she licks it off, it will help clear the offending hairballs. Keep the amount of petroleum jelly to a minimum, though – a thin layer should do the trick. Then brush your cat frequently to help avoid this problem in the future.

Fresh Water

Vomiting causes dehydration. When you have a pet that is vomiting, you will want to make sure she remains hydrated by keeping fresh water in the dishes. Place several bowls of water around the house, if possible, so your cat has access to fresh water wherever she is. Make sure she drinks the water; if she is avoiding the water bowl, try giving her some ice cubes to play with. Hopefully, she will lick them and the water will go down easier.

What Not to Do

You may be able to help soothe your cat’s stomach with human medicine, such as Kaopectate. However, do not give Pepto Bismol to a cat; it will only upset her stomach more. She will not like the taste of the Kaopectate, so you may have a hard time getting her to take it. Whatever you do, refrain from giving your cat any human medicine until you have checked with a veterinarian.

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