Articles for tag: Dog Diarrhea, Pepto Bismol

Karla News

How to Treat Your Dog’s Diarrhea

When your dog gets diarrhea it can just as frustrating as if it were a small child. But with a little tender loving care from his owner, Fido will soon be back to normal. Diarrhea in your dog is a condition when your he (or she) passes any irregular stood that is softer than normal. ...

Karla News

The Best OTC Drugs for Heartburn and Upset Stomach

Did you eat something that didn’t agree with you or did you just eat too much? Maybe your chest burns after you eat that spicy meal. There is help. Read this article and find out the best over-the-counter (OTC) solutions for heartburn and upset stomach. 1. Pepto-Bismol. We’ve all heard the tagline, “It coats, soothes, ...

Karla News

Treating a Stomachache Caused by Dehydration

When I was a kid, I spent a lot of time in the hospital, mainly because I would get these massive cramps in my stomach, like it was in the worst knots ever. I would be doubled over in bed running to the bathroom one minute and hunched over the next. I quickly became familiar ...

Karla News

Black Poop and Its Causes

Talking about the color, shape and consistency of bowel movements may not be a subject that many people talk about on a regular basis, but it is sometimes necessary, especially when health is involved. Although the color of a normal bowel movement varies depending on what a person eats, a majority of people are used ...

Karla News

Here’s Another Letter: Proctor and Gamble

First, some background: I wrote Proctor & Gamble about Head & Shoulders shampoo. I told them I was Italian and because I had hair on both my head and my shoulders, I asked if it was okay if I used their product on both my head and my shoulders. A woman named Kimberly wrote back ...

Karla News

Can Pickles Relieve Heartburn?

Antacids are fine to use to relieve the occasional case of heartburn and indigestion; however taking antacids routinely can cause major upsets to the body. For instance, antacids such as Maalox and Mylanta, or Alka-Seltzer that contain magnesium and/or sodium bicarbonate can act like a laxative if you take them too regularly. Antacids, such as ...

Karla News

Home Remedies for Dogs’ Stomach Aches

There are a few known home remedies for canine stomach aches, but because every dog is different, you should always contact your local veterinarian beforehand. Describe the symptoms to the veterinarian, who can then give you an expert opinion on what to do. Even if you plan to treat your dog at home with any ...

Karla News

Help Soothe Your Pet’s Upset Stomach

Dogs are known to eat just about anything and cats eat mice that carry diseases. Often pets eat way too much food and garbage, which leads to an upset stomach and vomiting. Dogs, and some cats, vomit at the drop of a hat. And since dogs eat most anything they also eat their own upchuck. ...