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Ulcerative Colitis Support Groups in Memphis, Tennessee

Colitis, Ulcerative, Ulcerative Colitis

Memphis, Tennessee offers many resources to those with ulcerative colitis. There are very skilled doctors, well-equipped hospitals, numerous support groups and seemingly endless places to find supplies to help with ulcerative colitis. I live in Jonesboro, Arkansas. Memphis is the closest big city to me, so I have gone to Memphis many times in search of relief for my ulcerative colitis. I have found ulcerative colitis support groups in Memphis to be especially helpful in treating this disease.

I have attended a few ulcerative colitis support groups, as well as support groups focused on other intestinal problems, in the Memphis area. Bellevue Baptist Church on Appling Road in Cordova has a really good support group. You can contact the church to find out when the meetings will be held because the days and times change depending on the mediator’s availability. This group is wonderful and very helpful because they have ample information compiled in a single location to help out anyone who is suffering with ulcerative colitis. The people who attend this group do not judge each other. Kids and spouses of those who suffer with ulcerative colitis are welcome at all of the meetings. They also have some social activities that allow the group members to get to know each other better. Overall, this is the best ulcerative colitis support group that I have ever been to anywhere.

Highland Heights Baptist Church has a good support system for people with any medical condition including ulcerative colitis. This church is located on National in Memphis. They do not have support group meetings yet. That is in the works to happen in the future.

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Children’s Foundation Research of Memphis at LeBonheur Children’s Medical Center has the Morgan Foundation which is the The Musette and Allen Morgan, Jr. Foundation for the Study of Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis. This foundation is dedicated to studying many different aspects on Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis which is often associated with ulcerative colitis. They have clinical trials in this five year study. If you contact them, they will provide you with numerous resources to get more information about ulcerative colitis and many other different intestinal diseases. This foundation also has some resources available to help parents of children with ulcerative colitis. Their Scientific Advisory Board includes many prominent physicians from all over the country including one from the Mayo Clinic. It is also associated with they University of Tennessee at Memphis.

Lastly, you can find other support groups by contacting the United Way in Memphis. They have a lot of good information about other ulcerative colitis support groups available in the greater Memphis area.

If you are also looking for Memphis doctors that specialize in ulcerative colitis and other intestinal problems, I highly recommend the Memphis Gastroenterology Group, located in Germantown at 8000 Wolf River Blvd. The doctors in this practice are awesome. They are the doctors who were finally able to get my ulcerative colitis in remission. They are internists and gastrologists. This office is up to date on all of the latest treatments and options for people with ulcerative colitis.

As far as hospitals go, there are two choices that I think are above average as far as care for ulcerative colitis. Baptist Memorial Health Systems and St. Frances Hospital both have excellent gastroenterology departments. Both hospitals have multiple campuses in Memphis and the surrounding areas. All of the campuses are equally equipped to handle any problems associated with ulcerative colitis. The wait is not usually very long at these hospitals for necessary emergency care.

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I have not personally used any ulcerative colitis resources in Memphis other than those that I have specified. Finding an ulcerative colitis support group in Memphis that works for you is simply a matter of personal opinion so it is my suggestion that you try out a few before you decide to make one of them permanent. If you are really shy, consider contacting the ulcerative colitis support group mediator by phone and ask about corresponding via email so you can remain anonymous.