Articles for tag: Emergency Care, Fractures, The Elderly

Mismanaged Rib Fractures in the Elderly Population & the Burdens of the Healthcare System

With the elderly population expected to increase significantly over the next few decades, healthcare systems understand the burden that is projected to come. With shortages of nurses and physicians, the healthcare industry is struggling to manage and prepare for the extensive treatments needed by the elderly population, including the additional services needed in trauma centers. ...

Vaginal Cyst Could Be Bartholin’s

Sexually transmitted diseases are not the only problems that women might experience that can temporarily or permanently derail their sex lives. There are also non-STD problems that can create discomfort and pain in the vagina which might lead to an uncomfortable, and sometimes embarrassing explanation to a partner. One very common problem is a Bartholin’s ...

Karla News

Health Care Options – Managed Care Health Insurance

Managed Care evolved as a means for controlling the skyrocketing healthcare costs under the traditional Fee-for-Service system. It is a health care system that is expressly designed to manage the delivery of health services in an efficient, cost-effective manner. Today, well over half of all Americans with health insurance coverage have a managed care health ...

Karla News

Swine Flu Vs. Regular Seasonal Flu Symptoms

With the H1N1 pandemic upon us, people are frantically analyzing every little symptom, trying to determine whether or not they have the swine flu. Symptoms of the pandemic flu are similar to those of regular flu, with a few notable differences. Symptoms of Seasonal Flu People suffering from the regular, seasonal flu usually experience the ...

Karla News

What’s Life like as a Paramedic for the Chicago Fire Department?

There is endless variety in the amazing city of Chicago. Some areas look like the suburbs, some are as busy as the highrise buildings portray. Crowds of people can be seen on Michigan Avenue, around Wrigley Field, and all around “the Loop. Everyone has their opinion of what people are like on the south side ...