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Treating and Preventing an Upset Stomach

Remedies for Dehydration, Upset Stomach

Upset stomach is an ailment that happens to everyone at some point or another. The key to keeping it under control is prevention, but of course, that isn’t always possible. If you can easily identify the cause of your upset stomach (a night of drinking or going overboard on spicy food, for example), read on for some home remedies that can help to alleviate your discomfort.

Home Remedies

Snacking on crackers. Normally we think of an upset stomach as a result of something we ate, but sometimes it can actually be a sign of hunger. If your stomach feels uncomfortable but you can still stand to eat, snack on some plain, bland crackers to calm your stomach.

Drinking soda. If you’re feeling nauseous or overstuffed, try drinking soda. The carbonation in soda can result in burping, which will help rid you of the bloating feeling.


It’s not advisable to drink soda if you are already vomiting or experiencing diarrhea. Drink water if you are losing fluids through vomiting or diarrhea. If you are taking medications, let your doctor know if you have vomited. Some medications take longer than others to absorb into the body, so if you do vomit, you need to know whether your medication has lost its effectiveness.

Treating Upset Stomach During Pregnancy

Pregnant women must be especially careful not to take anything that could harm a baby. If you are pregnant or suspect that you might be pregnant, stick with homemade remedies until your doctor tells you what other kinds of medications you may take. One remedy that worked well for me when I was pregnant was snacking often. Strangely enough, my nausea wasn’t triggered by anything I ate; rather, it was triggered by the fact that I was hungry. Whenever I could, I snacked on crackers and drank plenty of water to keep my stomach satisfied and prevent nausea.

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Since ginger ale and lemon-lime sodas are free of caffeine, they are safe for pregnant women to help stave off nausea.

Preventing upset stomach

Healthy eating habits. The best way to eat is to consume small, frequent meals throughout the day. By waiting until you’re starving, you can overeat and cause stomach discomfort as a result. Also, eating frequently keeps your metabolism balanced.

Exercise. Even moderate exercise can promote a healthy digestive tract. Lack of exercise can lead to stomach upset, especially constipation.

Stay hydrated. One cause of upset stomach can actually be dehydration. Take a look at your liquid intake to see if you need to cut back on sodas, coffee, or alcohol. Always drink water when you can, and keep the rest in moderation rather than your primary source of hydration. It’s common for people to drink flavored drinks instead of water, so what you can do to add flavor is add a small spritz of lemon.

Upset stomach is typically not a serious issue but an inconvenience. The above home remedies can help relieve stomach discomfort. However, if you frequently experience upset stomach and are unable to pinpoint what triggers each episode, consult a doctor to determine whether your condition is a chronic one that requires medical treatments.





