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Top Secrets to Quit Smoking Forever

Cigarettes and other tobacco products are addictive and can get very difficult to eliminate once started. While others claim that it has health benefits, the risks and health hazards still outweigh the claims. Others find it really difficult to quit smoking not only because of addiction but also due to some factors such as socio-economic status. Nevertheless, it is still possible to quit smoking. Here are some secrets on how to get rid of the cancer-causing-stick once and for all.

Make a plan and set the plan into a reality. Choose a date when you plan to stop. When you have picked a date, stick to the plan. Consult a practitioner if you may but it is more important to apply your plan to quit.

D-Day announcement. Tell everyone you are acquainted with that you are quitting on the date chosen so as not to catch them off guard when you are acting weird just because they do not know you have quit smoking.

Seek for support. Join a support group that will keep track of your progress. Ask help from your family or friends that will reinforce your will to stop smoking. Get support as much as you can get.

Turn away totally. Dispose everything that is connected of smoking such as lighters, ash trays, or leftover cigarettes. Everything that you think will invoke you to smoke should be out of your sight.

Keep yourself busy. Get your hands full and occupied. When in a restaurant, go to the non-smoking session. Avoid places where smoking is visible. Play a sport that will involve most parts of your body such as ball games or do hobbies that does not invoke you to smoke. Exercise or do yoga. Cravings will be very difficult but it will not last long.

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Rewards. For every successful milestone, reward yourself such as buying yourself a new shirt or a trip to a place you have never been before. You can also opt to ask for a reward from your support group to remind you of your improvements.

Quit not weight. Forget about your weight gain. The main aim here is to stop the smoking habit. Allow yourself the extra gained weight because you are starting to regain the cells you have destroyed from smoking. Besides, the weight gained is much better than the smoke inhaled.

Water. When the urge to smoke is at hand, drink water or better yet jump into the water. Do swimming, snorkling or scuba diving. Besides, how will you ever light a cigarette when you are in the water.

Think healthy. Upon waking, have a mindset that you need your body and you have to take care of it. Smoking as everybody knows is one of the causes of major diseases leading to mortality. Love your body by taking only what is good for you and eliminate those that can destroy you. With the proper mindset, you are also increasing your will power.

Medicine. If the cravings cannot be fought even with the help of a support group, seek medical attention. There are numerous things that the medical field can offer such as nicotene patches, herbs, or pills to get rid of the cold turkey.

Smoking can be addicting and hard to stop once started. The best way to stop the habit is never to pick it up in the first place. Smoking is a difficult habit to break but not impossible. This are just some simple and effective ways to finally kick that habit.

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– Survival Secrets of others who have quit smoking – Quitsmokingsupport.com

Article Resource: Ronald Uy