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How to Make Dandelion Beer


You can make your very own dandelion beer at home easily and very inexpensively. In only ten days, you can have a batch of homemade dandelion beer made from this beautiful herb that you once thought was a menace to your lawn.

What You Need to Make Dandelion Beer

You’ll only need a few simple ingredients to make dandelion beer. The first ingredient is sugar. You’ll need about one pound of regular cane sugar.

Next, you’ll need about an ounce of cream of tartar, a half ounce of ginger, five quarts of water and one tablespoon of yeast. You’ll also need a large fermentation container. Anything can be used as long as it is not made of metal. Make sure the container is clean and dry before beginning.

And, of course, the most important ingredient you’ll need to make dandelion beer is the dandelion. You can use any mixture of roots and leaves that you have or are able to gather. In total, you’ll need about one half pound of dandelion in the form of roots and/or leaves.

How to Make Dandelion Beer – Step #1

The first step you’ll take to make dandelion beer is to put the sugar and cream of tartar into the clean, dry fermentation container. Then, wash the dandelion leaves and/or roots and coarsely chop the herb material.

How to Make Dandelion Beer – Step #2

The next step you’ll take to make dandelion beer is to boil the coarsely chopped dandelion with a half ounce of grated ginger and the five quarts of water for about ten minutes. Strain into the fermentation container using a clean, muslin or linen cloth. Stir the mixture well until the sugar has completely dissolved.

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Allow the mixture to cool for a few minutes before adding the yeast. It’s best to let cool until the mixture is about 98 degrees in temperature. A candy or other food thermometer is good for checking the temperature of the liquid. If you don’t have a thermometer available, just let it cool for about five minutes but not much longer. You don’t want it to get too cold.

How to Make Dandelion Beer – Step #3

The next step you’ll take to make dandelion beer is to dissolve one tablespoon of yeast in some water and then add it to the mixture in the fermentation container. Cover the container with a clean cotton cloth and allow it to ferment for about seventy two hours.

How to Make Dandelion Beer – Step #4

After seventy two hours have passed, siphon off the dandelion beer into clean and sterilized bottles. Cap tightly.

Allow the bottles to sit on their sides in a cool, dry place for about seven days before consuming. After seven days, the dandelion beer can be chilled and this is definitely recommended before drinking it.

Ten days have passed and now you have a batch of homemade dandelion beer! This recipe makes about fifteen bottles of dandelion beer but feel free to make more than one batch at a time.