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Top 5 Comedy Movies of All Time

Bathroom Humor, Comedy Movies, Grizzly Man

Recently, a few buddies and I stumbled upon the topic of the ultimate comedy movies. While many props were given to the old stand-by flicks that you usually see on the list, we realized that the comedic film has ventured into a new, and better, direction that deserves much praise. Be warned, I care little for finding out the real names of all but the most famous characters. If you want to know which actor I’m talking about, look it up. Without any formal introduction, and in no particular order, here are the winners:

Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy

Will Ferrell proved that he was more than just the one-dimensional character he portrayed on Saturday Night Live in this glorious spoof of the world of news anchors. As Ron Burgundy, he embodies what a lead actor in a modern comedy should be: arrogant, shallow, and a wizard at the subtle things (facial expressions, voice inflexion, body movement, etc.) that truly sells the joke. His first meeting with Veronica Corningstone, in which he informs her that his apartment smells of rich mahogany and contains many leather-bound books, is utterly priceless. Adding to Burgundy’s appeal is the incredible cast of supporting characters, of which field reporter Brian Fantana, rival Wes Mantooth, and station manager Ed Harkin shine brightest. Fantana’s dead-pan discussion of the names for his, ahem, genitals, knows no duplicate. I’m not sure I could have kept a straight face once if I performed those lines a thousand times. Mantooth’s angry defense of his mother is a brilliant moment. This film rarely sputters. Perhaps the only time it becomes corny is the cameo-laced fight scene between the rival news teams, but this could be because even though Ben Stiller plays a character of a completely different nationality than all his others, he still manages to stifle the role with his inability to leave his two-dimensional style behind him. Stiller aside, the movie is a comedic powerhouse. I’m surprised more idiots around the office haven’t overused “Anchorman’s” many wonderful soundbites.

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Happy Gilmore

I realize the irony in deriding Will Ferrell’s one-dimensional acting only to follow with a tribute to Adam Sandler, whose angry, immature antics catapulted him to stardom. Nonetheless, there was a time when Sandler’s act was golden, and Happy Gilmore brings us there each time we watch it. The first time I watched this movie I only heard ten lines at the most. The rest of the time was spent convulsing with laughter and wiping tears from my eyes. Once again, Sandler’s Gilmore is aided by the brilliant character, Shooter McGavin. There is too much in this movie to even begin discussion. For starters, bask in the glory of the Bob Barker fight scene.

Dumb & Dumber

Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels combine to make one of the greatest movies out there. Again, Carrey’s ability to manipulate facial expression and barely-noticeable body movements is what drives this comedy. When his character, Lloyd Christmas, begins gagging after seeing his buddy wooing his girl is remarkable acting. The scene where he has to relieve himself in the van is almost too good to be true, and not because I’m a Neanderthal who only understands bathroom humor. If you haven’t seen it, watch it. You’ll know what I’m talking about. Carrey and Daniels have tremendous chemistry. You believe that they have been friends for their entire life.

I lied. We only could agree on the top three. Yet that is what makes the modern comedy so interesting. Every now and then, one comes along that deserves top five consideration. The three mentioned above will be hard to unseat. Here are, among others, some hopefuls that garnered honorable mention to fill the remaining two spots:

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Super Troopers (A great comedy team). Grizzly Man (You’ll find this under “documentary,” but don’t let it fool you. The fact that the idiot got what he deserved is hilarious. Plus, his tirade on the lake shore is unbeatable.) Bottle Rocket (This was before the Wilson brothers became the next Ben Stiller and somehow got into every movie made.) Major League (The phrase “oldie, but a goodie” applies.) Finally, but definitely not the last one that deserves mention, Old School.

If you’re bored with the latest Hollywood crap fest, check out these classics. If you’ve seen them already, pay attention to the hidden qualities that you may have missed the first time around.