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Top 5 Clown Themed Party Favors for Children

Card Tricks, Cotton Candy

Does your child enjoy clowns? If so, you may want to consider planning a clown themed birthday party this year. With that said, here are a few clown inspired party favor ideas that you may want to consider using:

Clown Makeup Kit

Nothing lends itself to a clown inspired party than a clown makeup kit complete with a red foam nose and a colorful wig. Based on my experience, you can purchase all three items through a party supply or costume shop for less than $5 each. I’d suggest that you place all the items inside a colorful clown themed bag.

Clown Sunglasses

Some clowns are known to wear giant sunglasses and kids seem to love the sunglasses too. Therefore, why not purchase a case of giant clown sunglasses and hand those out as party favors. The giant sunglasses may be purchased through most costume shops for less than $5 apiece. If you are lucky, you might be able to grab a pair of over-sized clown shoes in the same price range.

Squirting Flower

Have you ever noticed that when a clown is “clowning around”, there is a good chance that he or she will bust out a squirting flower or a seltzer bottle? Your child’s party guests may want to do the same. Squirting flowers and seltzer bottles can typically be purchased through carnival supply shops. Based on my experience, a squirting flower will tend to cost you less than $5. I should also mention that the seltzer bottles can be a bit hard to find at times. If you are having difficulty locating a case of seltzer bottles, you may want to consider purchasing a case of faux fire extinguishers. Some party supply shops sell small toy fire extinguishers that squirt water when they are squeezed tight. The faux fire extinguishers tend to sell for less than $1 apiece.

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Cotton Candy

Clowns and cotton candy are often found in the same place so why not use bags of cotton candy as party favors? In my experience, a case of cotton candy tends to sell for less than $32 (24 bags per case) and can be bought through candy wholesalers. If you don’t want to go with cotton candy, you may want to consider using candy apples or circus peanuts instead.

Gag Gifts and Magic Tricks

A magic trick or gag gift assortment would also make a great clown themed party favor. Many such items can be purchased through carnival or clown supply shops for less than $3 each. Options include magic rope tricks, lollipops magic tricks, card tricks and whoopee cushions.

Killeen Gonzalez enjoys summer sports and recreation with her family. She is also a former special events planner.

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